I’m getting back into coding and I’m going to start with python but I wanted to see what are some good IDEs to write the code. Thanks in advance.
Codium. It’s VSCode without the proprietary stuff
Nevermind @slazer2au@lemmy.world answered it.
Beat me to it mate.
Here is the link. https://vscodium.com/
For Python definitely PyCharm.
Huh, the community edition is Apache 2 licensed. I had assumed it was proprietary freeware.
@SpiceDealer I use Emacs as an IDE for Python.
Zed is full of AI rubbish, though, which is a shame as I was looking for a code editor built with Rust.
It’s not too hard to disable all of it
// Disable Telemetry
"telemetry": {
"metrics": false,
"diagnostics": false
// Disable Assistant:
"assistant": {
"enabled": false,
"button": false,
"version": "2"
// Disable Copilot:
"features": {
"inline_completion_provider": "none"
// Disable Collaboration Features:
"collaboration_panel": {
"button": false
"chat_panel": {
"button": false
"notification_panel": {
"button": false
Not really, all the AI stuff is off by default and doesn’t really nag you all too much…
I did find this fork which removes all the AI and telemetry. You’d be surprised how much of it is there.
As long as it has an integration for your language/framework of choice it’s the best imo
For python PyCharm is unbeatable.