What do you secretly, and weiredly enjoy doing? We will not judge 😊
Bam! You’ve been weir-ed.
I’m a man and wear a skirt, that’s not the deal. But when nobody is around, I start spinning. It’s such a great feeling!
I kinda wish skirts for men could be a more popular thing. They seem comfy and convenient
Go for walks in the middle of the night. Like in a residential neighborhood, or an industrial district. It’s just so peaceful.
I like getting “worked on”, I guess you could say? Like… I like going to the dentist, for example. Anything that kinda hurts but is for my own good, and involves just staying still on a chair/table while somebody else takes care of it.
Being forced to keep perfectly still while my jaw is cranked open and someone scrapes away at my teeth is oddly relaxing. I literally almost fell asleep once.
Updating software. Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Phone (sniff!) among others.
I’m like this too. Watching the update progress bar complete is like peeling those plastic things off of new phones, TVs etc.