Me and my wife are planing to do a lot of hiking and camping in 2025. Starting off with just the trails around Austin, TX and expanding as we go.
Got the basics:
- Hiking Boots
- light day pack w/ bladder
- simple first aid kit
- downloaded maps
I used to go all the time when I lived near a trail head, but I would never go much further than 4 miles in before turning around. We won’t be that far from civilization most of the time, nothing too intense.
Thanks y’all!
Edit: thank for the advice y’all!!
Can’t believe I forgot hats, definitely picking up some. Will also pack my leatherman too.
And I agree hiking boots are probably a little overkill for most the trails we’ll be doing at first. But we want to get used to them and break them in for longer and rougher hikes we’re planning later this year.
Beginner hikers always either overplan or underplan.
For day hikes under 10miles I wouldn’t even wear hiking boots unless they’re well broken in – rather go with comfortable runners that are well broken in. Unless you’re working on breaking in your hiking boots, the blisters are usually worse than the advantages the boots will give you.
After that, my basic day hike kit is: cell phone, water (volume depends on temperature), light snacks, basic safety kit, sun screen and bug spray. Dress to the weather forecast. If it’s wooded, sunglasses that wrap around keeps the branches out of the eyes.
I use my cell phone for navigation and maps and photos, and just make sure it is fully charged before departure. If I’m expecting a particular long day, I will turn my cell phone to airplane mode to save battery.
My emergency kit consists of: a lighter, a multi tool, and a very small first aid kit. The most important things in the first aid kit are compression bandages, in my opinion – your worst case scenario is something like a twisted knee where you can bind it up and still get out. Anything worse and you’re calling 911 anyway.
In my neck of the woods, bear spray is also typical, but probably won’t be near Austin.
I don’t worry about what my water is packed in. I usually use a nalgene bottle or a couple of disposable bottles. I don’t see the real advantage that the bladders offer until you get to the extreme version of hiking. If you are running a 30 mile trail, this would be a different story.
My SO does the multi-day version of hiking with some hiking buddies. She packs quite differently because weight becomes much more important if you’re taking your camp with you. Then you start measuring calorie-density and packing water purification equipment and such. But you will absolutely not need to do any of that kind of stuff unless this is training for overnight hiking.
In the west/southwest, you want a bladder for the volume. Even a half gallon is insufficient for a day hike. I wouldn’t go out without 1.5-2 gallons per person for a day, typically by having a 1.5 gal bladder and a couple bottles. Lack of moisture in the air means more sun exposure and greater water loss just breathing.
And you quickly lose cell coverage in the west once you leave a city. So any phone will eat battery unless in airplane mode, which also shuts off GPS. I just turn my phone off in such places, and save it for emergency use. I also carry a small external battery.
A compact GMRS radio (and knowing the local channels/repeaters) would be a great thing in the hiking world. Lots of volunteer folks use them when they’re out hiking/4 wheeling, and can provide a link to emergency services. There are even Android-based units with GPS and data capabilities (for sending your location over GMRS) today.
Really good points about the first aid kit/compression bandages. You need the kinds of things that will get out out of a bad situation, not necessarily as much for minor things (tape will do for most cuts).
I think too many people step into longer hikes before doing shorter ones, where you’d get a chance to work out your boots and gear. Though my day pack is on the excessive side, but I see it as a “rucking” opportunity - it’s only a day, so it’s good exercise for me.
I see where you’re coming from with a lot of this, but I want to clarify a few points that i think are more about personal style.
I hike with two random 1l water bottles in my backpack’s side pockets and a 2l pouch / flexible bottle inside that can be ignored or filled depending on how much water is in the area. I have another 2l pouch to add for longer/dryer trips. It’s a great system for me because I can always track what I use by knowing what’s left on the outside and whether there’s a full refill or two inside.
I think you’re wrong on phone use. I use Garmin Explore because I have an Inreach, but Gaia, Alltrails, Caltopo, BCNav, etc. all let you download maps to use offline, then use with your phone in airplane mode but with the GPS on (yes, you can do that).
You can use the GPS, but it really depends on the phone/maps, etc. I don’t want OP to assume “it’ll just work like normal”.
I’ve used every mapping app there is on every phone since 2009, and it’s still not a great experience. It still has battery concerns. I know I can make it work, but I don’t want to assume what OP knows, and to give a warning that it’s not like using mapping around town.
Too many people go out in the west without understanding how dangerous it can be - the stories are in the news every year.
I haven’t spent a lot of time in hot desert… Six weeks in the Atacama though, but it is rarely above 25C there. The rest of my hot weather experience is in humid climates. So I’m not really sure what my water churn would be for a day hike near Austin.
Based on OPs provided info: For a day hike under ten miles, provided you aren’t “rucking” or pushing the pace to much, you can get by without measuring in gallons most of the time. If it’s super hot, schedule your hike early or late.
Also, mirroring the other comment: phone GPS definitely works in airplane mode.
Bonus photo: mineral exploration in the Atacama.
Wow, nice pic!
The Atacama, talk about dry! I’m surprised you don’t need more water, since it’s one of the driest places on the planet.
Part of the issue in the US west/southwest is the heat - you’ll sweat a lot, and the low humidity means it will evaporate fast. Long sleeves/pants help control this.
Then the sun load (which you experience in the Atacama) will heat you up fast. There can be a 20° temp change from shade to sun (if you can find shade).
I read the stories every year of inexperienced hikers going out in the west with 1 or 2 liters of water (or less!) in shorts, getting miles out and then needing to be rescued (or dying). One thing I’ve never heard anyone say is “I took too much water”.
My concern in this thread is for an inexperienced hiker. I really want them to understand how difficult the west/southwest can be.
A good hat is a good idea…
I’m a little top heavy (tall, but relatively short legs), which makes steep descents no fun at all - and having a handy stick / hiking pole makes a huge difference for me.
Obviously this will depend on both your terrain and your build.
A fully featured swiss army-like knife…with saw and tweezers
Try different hiking boots, given it’s the southwest you’ll probably want the lighter, goretex kind. Break them in first by wearing them around town occasionally.
For even short day hikes in the west/southwest, it’s hard to carry too much water - when I’ve hiked the west, I’ve rarely come home with leftover water, and I have a large camelback.
Don’t hike in shorts or short sleeves, sun exposure is brutal in the west. There’s a reason western hats and sombreros have large brims - find one you like.
Think about what’s needed if you have to stay out overnight. There are stories every year of people needing to be rescued because they couldn’t get back for relatively minor reasons (e.g. Twisted an ankle). Having a little gear for that, just in case, can make a real difference.
A compact GMRS radio (and knowing the local channels/repeaters) can also help where cell coverage is spotty (the west in general, especially hiking areas).