She would look way better without the tats. Even this shitty building would look better without this artless crap. And how is this a political take?
Because it’s essentially saying that her decision to get tattoos is the equivalent of her vandalizing her body. It’s a meme criticizing a woman for choosing what she wants to do with her body, which is just a tamer version of “your body my choice”.
I saw that more like a criticism of the tattooing style, not her life decisions. Your body my choice is downright authoritarian. I don’t see how it relates to this.
Even if it is a criticism of the tattooing style it’s still likening it to vandalism. It doesn’t change the message behind the meme.
Comparing women to objects tends to be more frowned upon by civilized people, which excludes the right.
You’re welcome to find whatever you like attractive. She clearly doesn’t care about your opinion.
I’m sure my opinion is as worthless to her as hers is to me. And btw nobody is comparing the woman to the object, the point is that the aesthetic is similar. Applies to all sexes and objects. Imho the building tags are not art, or at least not good art. And her snakes, bugs and Japanese masks are so tired and trite, everyone does the same stuff. Yay.
Tired and trite? That sounds like most of mainstream movies, music, television… Yet people enjoy it. It is their choice to like what they like, and do what they do.
Sure someone else may want the ceiling of the Sistine chapel tattood on them, but she chose this.
Someone who puts that much effort into their outward expression of themselves clearly cares about how they look. You just have misaligned tastes.
Both looks bad. It’s too many tattoos on one hand, and pretty scrambled a bad looking graffiti on the other hand.
Have you seen those cars that have every bumper sticker imaginable on them? Also covered with lots of hand-scrawled signs with every random religious/cultish phrase possible. That’s the vibe I get from these tattoos.
Just like the vehicles, those body adornments tell me all I want to know about the occupant.
If i saw this person on a beach, it wouldn’t be my business…however this person is displaying it on social media, so it actually is my business to have an opinion.
I’ve never been a fan of tattoos. They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it. That said, they can do whatever the hell they want. It’s not my body or problem and they ain’t hurting anyone.
They look awful and, in the case of women distract from beauty, not add to it.
You did the thing where you gave a very personal, subjective, opinion as if it was a pure fact. You probably meant “it distracts me from their beauty” but you wrote it as if it’s a universal truth that applies to everyone.
You did the thing where you policed the way someone else phrased their opinion by purposely misunderstanding their intent. He literally began his post by stating an opinion.
Ehh I dunno… I don’t agree with him but we don’t have to preface our opinions with “this is just how I feel, but…”.
If I say “this pizza is horrible”, it’s clear that it’s just something I think and not everyone has to share that opinion. The subjectivity of the statement kinda speaks for itself y’know?
depends on the tattoo, there’s some adorable ones out there, this one is what me and my sister are gonna get because I love frogs (username) and hers is gonna be a black cat because she has a black cat
Random tattoos that are full black just for the hell of it aren’t that interesting, however, you do you boo.
Maybe not all women actually want you to be looking at them thinking ‘Wow, beautiful, yum.’ So many women get so much shit from men every day all the time, often since they were still wearing school uniform. Like you say, it’s not your body and they ain’t hurting anyone. I just think it’s really easy to understand why some women want to take ownership of their skin when there’s so many arsehole men thinking they’ve got a right to stare and touch it.
Did you stop reading after the second sentence or are you saying that he’s not allowed to have that opinion because some girl somewhere might disagree with it
I don’t see how this is anywhere on the political spectrum. It’s just a little dumb.
Weird I wonder how femme people could be politicized lately
Well no shit, but I don’t see anything in this image that makes it right or left or center or anything.
Comparing a femme person’s choice to decorate their own body and a graffitied building doesn’t have overtones? Are you engaging with this honestly?