SIGHUP or SIGPWR, maybe?
That’s why you launch them through systemd.
The constant nagging by you systemd people worked. I’ve written a unit that does what I need it to do. That was more annoying than I think it needed to be, but well… my solution didn’t work at all.
Can’t SIGTERM be observed to react to a poweroff?
Interesting. Is this top answer accurate then?
You are never guaranteed to be able to do anything during a crash. You are better off handling these kinds of edge cases in a recovery phase during the start of your app.
It’s not a crash. It’s a graceful shutdown. I expected that to also shutdown my app gracefully.
I’m actually trying to store the program state that hasn’t been persisted yet to disk. Good luck doing that after the next boot.
Persist everything to disk in real time. When the signal hits exit immediately.
Persist everything to disk in real time.
That’s the thing I’m trying to avoid.
Crash-only software. To be resilient you need some kind of ACID anyway which means that you can let go of your shutdown procedure and just send yourself SIGKILL instead.