15 years ago?! This tweet must be 10 years old now
Edit: it’s from 2017, that makes more sense https://x.com/AngryManTV/status/906298612786884609
It still doesn’t make much sense. In 2002 people were already using torrent protocol, that allows to download files in chunks. You can download the missing 3% of your file latter. And even before torrent there was a Direct Connect protocol and DC++ client.
Torrents hadn’t really taken off in 2002, it was more Kazaa and eDonkey2000 from my recollection.
Okay now I’m sad I missed eDonkey, was it really different than Napster, Kazaa and such? Or was it the same old, you download a movie and find out once it was downloaded that 5% percent of the time it was beastiality. Fucking weird times man.
The whole Napster thing was pretty brief, I only remember it really being around for like 6 months. Then it got shut down and everyone moved to the alternatives that had resume and other features, like eDonkey and Kazaa. I really can’t remember what order they came in though.
This got me looking and unfortunately possibly found a bit of info that debunks the whole tweet. Napster was completely gone by July 2001. So this guy either has the date wrong(by like 15months) or it wasn’t a Napster download. Kazaa would be out by then too probably so that leaves Limewire, but that used torrenting protocols so it wouldn’t have had the same susceptibility to a loss of connection.
🎶 Once in awhile, maybe you will feel the urge
To break international copyright law
By downloading MP3s from file-sharing sites
Like Morpheus, or Grokster, or LimeWire, or Kazaa
But deep in your heart, you know the guilt would drive you mad
And the shame would leave a permanent scar
’Cause you start out stealing songs, then you’re robbing liquor stores
And selling crack and running over school kids with your car 🎶
BitTorrent wasn’t even launched until AFTER Napster was shutdown.
The mention of Napster would have put the original download this tweet refers to as happening sometime before July 2001. But, it’s entirely possible they were using Napster as a generic term for any number of the other protocols around in 2002, most of which didn’t have the ability to resume. BitTorrent would have been the anomaly here for its resumabilty, but was rarely used for music privacy at the time. PirateBay and Demonoid launching later in 2003.
That would put the original post in 2002, 4 years before Twitter was founded, 2 years before Facebook was founded, 1 year before Myspace was founded and 5 years before Tumblr was founded
The way I discovered Team Fortress, the original mod for Quake, was because I just happened to join a server running TF and had to spend all day downloading the files from the server on a 28.8k modem so I could play on it, and when I finally got to play, I was greeted with a super racist map called Cross the Border where one team had to reach a goal point on the other side of a giant wall, another team was trying to stop them, and a 3rd team that could only spawn as snipers in two small towers on the wall whose goal I don’t even remember.
I was extremely confused but God damn was it fun.
Rascism aside that sounds like a fun game mode to play.
Just call it invasion and make it generic.
my fav was bouncing people from the system (bbs) using the call-waiting blip during text-based mud PVP fights… and if you really pissed someone off they would just physically cut your phone line.
I was the main builder for one called Lost Prophecy. I was obsessed. I easily wrote a few novels of words for descriptions of rooms, items, mobs, and their stats and programming.
I asked the guy who ran it after it was totally dead many years ago if we could release all my work publicly for other people to enjoy on still-active MUDs. He said no. Makes me sad to this day.
That is sad, but unsurprising. MUD owners were a special breed of cat. I really enjoyed Avatar, the admin there was legendarily unapproachable.
Technically also, https://www.sdf.org
Oh man, I forgot about MUDs until reading your post. What a throwback to a simpler time. I was hooked on one that sounded like a spider - Arachnea or something.
Probably Achaea, that’s an Iron Realms game, good choice. I haven’t played a lot of MUDs but Iron Realms made the better ones that I have played. I liked Starmourn quite a lot but it seems not many other people did because it’s gone legacy mode now.
Achaea is still up and running if you want to go log in again.
Me, playing Age of Empires, blissfully unaware that some shmuck with DSL completely obliterated my settlement 45 seconds ago and my dialup connection just hasn’t caught up yet.
Downloading RPG maker assets for a total of 28 hours on a 56k modem using Gozilla so i could pause the download each day during peak hours and only download off peak for a penny a minute only to make the first 20 minutes of a terrible and sonewhat unoroginal RPG game, and never use it again, is a core memory for me.
I think my friend showed me how to use switches and variables at his house on his copy and i got very excited i could create a condition to be met to allow a boulder to be move. I just had to try to make something.
I think i ended up just making a game where you load in at max level and speak to someone to start a fight with the strongest monsters just to play the battle and use all the top level spells. And then just mever played again