I went on amiunique.com, and it says that I’m unique.
Lowest scores: list of fonts JS (0.01%), canvas (0.00%), media devices (0.00%), and audio data (0.80%)
I use Linux Mint Debian edition, Librewolf browser, and Mullvad VPN. How do I become less unique?
You’re unique and everyone loves you.
If you are trying to obfuscate instead of poisoning your data, you are doing it wrong. You can’t be identified if your fingerprint is always different.
Fingerprinting panic is some bullshit created by brave browser, a bloated shitware than installs a lot of unnecessary crap on your device, including their own advertisement engine.
EFF is an org that I’d run to join if they had a position I could fill. I’ve been on their side since the 90s, when I was too young to tell if I was choosing the right side because I didn’t understand everything they advocated because I was a kid. They are the ACLU of the internet.
Using Tor Browser with default settings is probably the least time consuming way of reducing a site’s ability to uniquely identify you.
I wonder if you don’t actually use tor but use their version of Firefox if you still get their anti fingerprint benefits, or if being one of the few tor users not using tor makes you too unique.
Try the chameleon extension https://github.com/sereneblue/chameleon