It’s just plain weird to me that this isn’t seen as the lowest bar in the world, but I’m definitely still taking the W.
Orphan-crushing machine refuses to accelerate crushing orphans is a now feel good story yet again.
This false dichotomy of all or nothing merely benefits the status quo.
A small improvement is better than no improvement and all progress has to start with a first step, somewhere, somehow.
But this isn’t a small improvement.
The DEI policy was already in place.
When that got enacted was the improvement.
This is just not a step backward.
A step forward would be something like… we’ve restructered into a democratically run co-op, in a tri cameral structure, your costco membership now grants you a vote in something approximating the US House of Representatives, employees now all get votes in some higher authority body approximating the Senate, and then the board of directors acts as a multi person executive branch.
Costco is slightly less egregious than its counterparts, but it is still very much a part of the system and went along with the insane profiteering price increases on essentials.
It’s not that it’s such a great act in itself, it’s no where near enough.
This is a significant win as a large, profitable and respected company is seen to be doing something so insignificant and get such good marketing results. This is the best kind of encouragement we can give to the souless retail machine 😉
And yes… “We will sing your praises if you just follow basic laws” is a pretty low bar, but here we are 😄
Sort of. These policies are really a mixed bag. A lot of fire departments in the 90’s were doing affirmative action things and wound up having to stop because it was getting people hurt and things were burning.
Turns out if there’s a job that’s actually important, you should probably hire the best people for the job. Not the best “of certain demographic” that applied.
That’s been disproven multiple times. The issue was the fire departments were not training the Probies with any real HOT because they didn’t want them.
was getting people hurt and things were burning.
What are you even trying to say?
They went from hiring and promoting based on testing, to hiring and promoting based on ethnicity and gender. So if ten people applied and tested for a captains position and the four highest scoring applicants were white guys, they’d promote number 5.
what kind of cartoon world are we living in that i’m actually on the side of a corporation for once
A cartoon where a corporation is doing the absolute bare minimum to fight racism.
What is DEI?
Questions against it is usually bigoted. It seemed to be the popular MAGA dogwhistle this election.
It’s not really a dogwhistle, DEI is diversity, equity and inclusion - they’re outright saying they don’t want diversity equity and inclusion.
DEI is a dog whistle in that for conservatives it means woke. They want companies to continue oppressing non white, non-cis, non-hetero people. Or at the very least, not actively elevate them.
Trying to Save Yourself from Discrimination Lawsuits is WOKE and BAD BUSINESS! REAL American Companies OPEN themselves UP to Discrimination Lawsuits WILLINGLY!
Who are these shareholders?? Name and shame
The shareholder is a group called “National Center for Public Policy Research”, a far right organization.
Oops. All Private Equity.
It’s just bad apples. Landfills and landfills of bad apples. Not even compostable, that’s how bad they are.
Is there any legal way a company can prevent the sale of their stock to a private equity?