Okay as a Middle Eastern guy I have absolutely zero respect for Iraq war veterans so honestly I couldn’t give a shit about this guy specifically, but from a realpolitik perspective isn’t this just bad for morale?
Also: https://spectrum.ieee.org/bionic-eye-obsolete - “Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported”
Thanks, that’s actually the article I was looking for.
We’re literally living in a cyberpunk dystopia.
And another: https://www.theverge.com/2024/9/26/24255074/former-jockey-michael-straight-exoskeleton-repair-battery
Michael Straight, a former jockey paralyzed from the waist down, was left unable to walk for two months after the company behind his $100,000 exoskeleton refused to fix a battery issue … "I was told they stopped working on any machine that was 5 years or older,”
I wish I knew how to hack my hearing aids. They aren’t even that bad, it’s just minor functionality like managing Bluetooth pairings and the ability to create custom setting names so I’m not using “church mode” in meetings
Ok. I’ll return my pacemaker.
I want robot parts as much as the next guy but bodily autonomy is crucial.