He’s She’s It’s Who’s
His Hers Its Whose
Aaron Swartz.
Guy was opposed to any and all censorship and was politically left-leaning.
Almost immediately after his death, such people started to die out, opposition to censorship has been a right-wing cause for about the last decade.
BULLSHIT. Opposition to censorship continues to be strong on the left. I was there for “Stasi 2.0”, “Schäublone” and “Zensursula”. And nobody could EVER justifiably accuse Wolfgang Schäuble or Urula von der Leyen of leftism.
It’s continually the right that screeches “cEnSoRsHiP!!1!” when they get deplatformed by someone who has the right to deny them service, but it’s also the right that continually tries to implement state censorship.
If minor grammar mistakes must bother you, politely explaining them will help educate readers and ensure they occur less often. This kind of reply is rude and unhelpful, especially since many people posting are not as experienced with the clusterfuck known as the English language, but also since this isn’t a formal setting where properness matters at all.
Che Guevarra (I probably misspelled that), If he knew how his face was plasteret on t-shirts sold for profit all over the world. He was already great at revolutions, but the RPM and the torque he would achieve from this would define him as the worlds greatest revolutionary for all eternity.
One of the many obscure, mostly forgotten philosophers as college students thinking Philosophy was going to be an easy A absolutely butcher their language and thought.