High school home economics teacher got fired for throwing a box grater at a student. Major anger management problems aside, she was a pretty crap teacher
Love-triangle murder that made national headlines back when everything didn’t.
two teachers and one student died within a week of each other… after an earthquake…
Principal was fired by the board, and then immediately sued the school for wrongful dismissal. It was a landmark case and ended up on national news. The principal won and the school went broke. It was the best school in town until then: all the good teachers quit and went elsewhere taking many students with them because parents didn’t want their kids in a broke school with only the crappy teachers left.
Not my high school, but our closest rival.
Rancho Bernardo High School Broomstick Incident
There was also a bomb threat during my freshman year that turned out to be nothing, but it was like right after the Columbine shooting so everyone lost their minds.