obligatory technology connections comment
Seconded, however:
if you go to Technology Connections YT channel, we are not responsible if when you find yourself watching a 6 hour play list on light bulbs
Or even worse, six hours of video making LED christmas lights look like the incandescent light from 30 years ago.
I also have strong opinions about Christmas lights.
Unfortunately, they do not perfectly align with Technology Connections. We agree is almost all respects: flickering is bad, purple is not a valid Christmas color, white lights should be warm and not bluish. I just can’t agree about this one thing though, I LOVE the super saturated colors of LEDs for the red, blue, and green lights. I care much less about the saturation of the yellow and/or orange lights.
I agree with you, but my excuse is being in the southern hemisphere where Christmas lights must compete with summer evenings. The bold colours do better at early twilight
Indoors though I like the less saturated colours, and lack of options has had my tree lit with warm white only for the last decade - I get colour only where the white light plays off transparent and reflective baubles (decorations, I think they’re called in America) and tinsel
The subjects are interesting, the script is tight and packed with insight, and he uses the magic of buying two of them
There’s a third video now (A condensed version I think)
Well since nobody else is giving away the spoiler on the 6 hours of technology connections videos( didn’t know there was a third now), it’s to fill the little compartment with the dishwasher manufacturers(not the detergent bottles) recommended amount of detergent and to also add a little bit in the bottom of the dishwasher too to help that pre rinse cycle before the main cycle begins.
I love watching his videos but not everybody does. To those people, you’re welcome
Note that this is only true when not using eco mode, which opens the door right away so you can just chuck the tablet in like a caveman. Mine happens to work well enough in eco mode and the little door tends to get stuck on things, so that’s what I usually do.
If your (modern) dishwasher isn’t cleaning properly in eco mode, either you have very hard water, or you should clean the filter more often.
If you don’t remember when the last time you cleaned the filter is, go clean it now.
I pretty much trust Technology Connections and their advice is to use the machine’s smart setting (or whatever it’s called on your brand) as the main job of eco is to score well on water and energy usage. Mine has “6th sense” as its second program which is the only program that does a pre-wash
Eco on my machine doesn’t dry the dishes well. We have pretty soft water
obligatory Technology Connections video on dishwashers
Was gonna say, someone’s not subscribed to Dishwasher and Christmas Lights Rants.
For good reason. I don’t live in the family home anymore, but last winter when I did move back in for a while, I had approximately half as much work to do keeping the damn place warm, thanks to the heat pump. But I mean sure, I could also just buy one of those fancy newer automatic furnaces to replace the old furnace, and there’d be no work at all! Except that costs at least 5x as much as I paid for a single air to air heat pump that also makes summers bearable.
All this for a relatively modest cost in terms of electricity because yo what the hell, heat pumps are more than 100% efficient when heating. It seems like we hacked physics, honestly.
Additional advice: Clean the dishwasher filter regularly.
Not all of them have one, if yours does and you’re just learning about it, I’m very sorry. But you have a truly terrible job ahead of you.
Assuming you don’t have a manual to read: First, start with a freshly -emptied clean dishwasher, no spills in the bottom. Wear rubber gloves if you’re easily grossed out. Pull out the bottom drawer. Look in the bottom, you see anything that looks like you could turn it 🛞, with maybe a couple arrows ▶️ ◀️ to line up? Lefty-loosey it, pull it out and take it to the sink, along with any screenlike thingamabobs that come out with it. Run warm water and use hands, sink brush, or scrunge to gently remove all the gunk. You don’t have to abuse it, you want it to last the life of the machine. Also feel in the hole, removing any gunk left behind. If the filter pieces come apart easily, do that, but put them back as they were before reinserting into the machine. Fit it back into the hole and righty-tighty to match up the arrows. Don’t over-tighten! Go rinse out your sink, dry your hands, and set a monthly notification on your phone. It’s much less gross if you do it monthly.
oh that doesn’t sound as bad as i was expecting. thank you for the explanation. i believe i have found the wheel and i will give it a go this coming weekend after i secure some gloves and prepare myself mentally for what’s to come. the reminder thing sounds like a good idea, i have a poor habit of letting some of these home maintenance things slip my mind and the new year might be a good excuse to try to do those things more routinely. we’ll see how it goes.
angry Alec noises