10 billion downloads on the Play Store.
Number of downloads ≠ number of users. People with multiple devices, people who replace devices, and people who have to wipe and reprovision borked devices all inflate the number. I’d guess that, over the period that total has been running, we’re looking at 4-5 downloads per user, if not more. Still a ridiculous number, but not that ridiculous.
You don’t think there’s more Google accounts + phones + tablets + people changing phones, than population on Earth?
Hot take: if they can get it to work, good! I welcome AI users who are smarter, better informed, and have better taste than the rest of us mouth breathing meatbags.
AI users implies they are deployed and managed by the a company and can be configured to push ideas and agendas.
This is quite a big problem imo…
They will be able to steer entire cultures and countries without ever appearing as if they were sitting in the drivers seat. This is the social control endgame playing out in front of our very eyes. Why use violence to control people when you can subconsciously persuade with bandwagonning and peer influence by tempting people into parasocial relationships with AIs you control. Expect the AIs to offer real benefits, but with hidden catches. Like how rats are killed with 10% poison and 90% tasty treats, we will be steered to our doom by exploiting our desires and weaknesses and our inability/unwillingness to take into account the future effects of our decisions today. This is nothing new, it’s just a larger, subtler, more wide reaching way of doing it.
I want my laundry machine to figure out the best way to wash whatever I toss in automatically without an Internet connection. I guess I’m asking for too much :(
Ugh. So glad I don’t use FB. It’s already so enshittified and only getting worse.