I find it easier to scrub my hands clean than my pants, especially if I’m heading to work.
Yeah, public transpiration would be great if my fellow Americans weren’t such filthy, disgusting trash. I am not sitting on the seat that smells like ass cheese because the guy that was sitting on it 5 stops ago is a nasty fat fuck. Not like the bus company ever hoses them down but once a month, either.
Japanese public transportation is immaculate and the number of people that use it is mind-blowing. There is no excuse. America, you’re fucking disgusting, lazy trash.
The big irony is that Japan’s systems are so smooth because they don’t organise themselves democratically. The west literally can’t replicate it because they have no experience implementing a functional compromise. Majority rule means you stop looking for solutions once 51% of people are convinced it’s a good idea.
Gotta love the bare aluminium seats. The heat conductivity also makes sure to get rid of the lingering heat that makes you feel like someone was there a few minutes ago.
But the coughers and tobacco stinkers. Nothing we can do about it. Using the Metro on the wrong time, for me, means catching a cold. Maybe the latest strand of flu, even. Even though they have a pretty good HVAC
bus is my favorite place to be after a night on the town
Yeah, nope. I ride mass transit regularly, and there’s never a time I don’t despise the system and the people on it.
I just realized while reading this meme that the last time I was on a bus, I was the one driving it. Which made this even funnier.
Me on bus sober: everything is fine
Me on bus drunk: “Let’s see if this fucker can do a barrel roll!”
Added comedy: I drove a school bus.