Name an animal (or several) you like and mention why you like it. No wrong answers!
Octopuses. So alien, so neat, and so smart.
I love pretty much every animal depending on how I’m feeling that day.
So here’s one pick from each major category I can think of:
- Cnidarian: Portuguese Man-o-war. I just think they’re neat.
- Worm: Leeches. They look cool.
- Mollusk: Blue-ringed octopus. Dangerous boios with pretty colours
- Arthropod: Ants. Eusocial insects are so cool!
- Fish: No
- Amphibian: Any large toad. They look funny.
- Reptile: Tegu, they’re like the cats of reptiles.
- Bird: Corvids in general. Crows, ravens, etc. Playful smart cuties.
- Mammal: So many choices… But I’ll go with Raccoons. They have grabby little hands and funny lil’ masks. They are ADORABLE.
nautilus I love the way they look and move. I’d keep a tank of them but don’t want them to go blind.
They’re so ancient evolutionary speaking that their eyes are sensors behind a hole in the shell. They have no way to dilate in response to light and are adapted to deep low light conditions.
So keeping them in a tank where I could see them would burn their eyes out in a day or two.
- Nuthatch
- Carolina Wren
- Luna Moth
- Water Bear
- Carolina Prairie Chicken
- Capybaras
Octopuses. They only live about a year, but they are very intelligent. Usually intelligence is found in longer-lived creatures. They are solitary, but form good bonds with humans. They have lots of clever adaptations.
I really really love them, and I can’t stand seeing people eat them. I’m a omnivore, but it’s like watching someone eat a dolphin or an ape or an elephant. Just wrong.