this one could go troll or dumbass, hard to tell
Probably started as a troll and picked up by dumbasses. Like the Flat Earth Society.
It’s fucking impossible to know nowadays, it has even gone into “this is so crazy that it can’t be a troll” territory. I’m at a loss of words almost daily from the level of idiocy and ignorance that infects every damn comment section everywhere. The bar for most stupid imaginable is racing lower and lower every damn second, and it’s already WAY beyond what should be possible.
From a distance, I thought this was going to be a 3D printed MST3K logo.
The reflection (scattering) of light can be seen on the picture they choose to make their point. Sure, the comment is correct that anything you can see scatters light otherwise you would not see it, but in the picture it is particular obvious where the light source is from the reflection on the rock.
I wonder if they think “reflection” only means the kind of reflection you see in a mirror.
It’s also a pretty dumb rock to use as an example. If the moon were that color it would be way brighter than it is currently. And with a rock as shiny as that you would clearly see a reflection of the sun as well.
In real life the moon is about as bright as dark asphalt and because of all the dust it is very dull as well. So a matt black paint would probably be closer to what the moon looks like. Still bright as hell compared to the nothingness that surrounds it. Our eyes are also very good at low light conditions, once we get used to the dark a little bit of light goes a long way. So we can even pick out shadows in the moonlight on earth. A brighter moon would be annoying I think, imagine having some nights that look like early evening on a sunny day. But if we evolved with it we would be used to it I guess.
Just like with flat earth the glowing moon theory fails to explain the phases of the moon or things like eclipses. And why the glow doesn’t follow black body radiation, but instead perfectly follows the tell tale signs of reflected sunlight, Fraunhofer lines and all. And where the energy to generate that light would come from, making something glow as bright as the moon takes a lot of power. And why that power source selectively lights some parts some of the time. And where does the sunlight that hits the moon ends up, if it’s not reflected.
I would think it’s a troll, but these days you’d never know. Even if a troll for example claims vaccines cause autism for the grift, idiots still believe it.
These people are walking among us. Worse - they sometimes breed.
I feel for every child that has to find out their parents are fucking stupid.
While it’s certainly possible for a person to be stupid, I find that very often it’s more accurate to describe a person as ignorant. In this context, I don’t mean that as an insult; I mean literal ignorance, as in the described person has not been exposed to relevant information, or possibly has been conditioned not to accept that information if it is provided.
It’s anecdotal, but most stupid people I meet aren’t stupid, just missing or unable to accept certain information. This especially applies to young people.
Honestly, it sucks. I have never been able to take advice from either of my parents as an adult. Of course as a teen they seemed dumb to me, but even then I recognized that I was a teenager and that perception was typical for my age. But they never got any smarter. Frankly, the older I’ve grown, the more like children my parents seem to me. As a kid they always told me I was super smart. Now as an adult, do they listen to me if I try to correct their mistakes? They do not. They’ve been suckers for cons my whole life.
And no, I’m nowhere near as smart as they led me to think.
My dad was the dumbest man I ever knew and he still had wonderful advice sometimes.
I mean, I can say that to you here and you can only imagine with the limited data, but my dad was duuuuuuumb.
There is value in our idiot parents. We just have to find it.
If you can see it, it’s reflecting light
I think the nutcake / troll was trying to convey that the rock is emitting light. Which is no less stone bonkers and a load of old cobblers, but here we are.