I don’t know if I should change the title to ‘does unbiased media exist?’
I just found out a Washington Post cartoonist quit after a Bezos satire she draw was rejected.
I was until today a reader of said newspaper, but after this kind of censorship I don’t know if I should keep reading it.
Note that I’m not looking for media sources that fabricate outrage either for the left or for the right or news sources whose business model is to editorialize titles to work people up. I’m just looking for unbiased media sources.
Maybe this was a stupid question: everyone is biased, or am I wrong?
Most news organizations either are paid by the government or by some corporate stockholders (usually the rich).
It’s difficult to find unbiased news sources. There are some smaller ones, which are paid by private donations, but they often have inferior quality due to … appealing mostly to 18-y/o women who want “to make a change” and stuff (my opinion)
long story short, finding factual news sources is extremely difficult and i’ve basically given up on it. i can study physics to understand what is plausible and what is not, but i have no way to decide whether reporting on far-away events is biased or how much.
You’re right, everyone is biased. It’s part of human nature. The bezt you can do about it is to be aware of biases, how they work, how to recognize them, and how to avoid them. Then practice those avoidance techniques.
It is not perfect, but a heck of a lot better than not helping the situation
It’s all biased but since I haven’t seen it mentioned I like tangle. It comes as an email
In Canada, the CBC has the least amount of bias of any domestic news source.
Going International, I would say AP, PBS, NPR, Reuters, BBC.
All are biased.
If there’s an event occurring within the last few days I’ll check AP and a couple other moderate/right sources to check/compare spin.
After a few days there’s usually a pod out on it from the left view. I like It Could Happen Here, Some More News, and Even More News. They’re incredibly well sourced, and are out in the open about their biases.
Even when there’s no editorializing there’s selection bias. That selection is due to capacity or the political viewpoint of the reporting. You won’t see stories that are less relevant to reporter/editor interest.