Credit: Mr. Lovenstein :: Over the Line | Tapas Comics
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My 5 and S look the same
My 5s are apparently unreadable for most people. Whenever someone asks me what that sign or letter is on anything I wrote I will say it’s a 5 without looking. They’ll say how I didn’t even look. But it’s always correct.
Just do the same to the other letters, so it looks like a stylistic choice.
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had trouble with 8s. To the point that the bottom part comes back together on the right side so it looks like a 9.
When I was little and learning how to write numbers, my grandma said my 8s looked. “sickly”.
Somethings never change.
Then I try to erase the whole word and rewrite it, but you can still see the D after I erase it so it looks even worse