Meta’s decision to specifically allow users to call LGBTQ+ people “mentally ill” has sparked widespread backlash at the company.
Meh if you’re LGBTQIA+ and you work for these giant tech companies you don’t get to feign ignorance and outrage.
It’s been pretty clear for a while how they feel about your existence.
Quit and go work for places that actually matter. Sorry the pay won’t be good though.
What a wild take. Up until now there were at least protections present for the platform. And what’s your message here? “Stifle your career because Zuck is a bigot”? “Accept less pay or shut up and accept abuse”?
The message is if you really care about this issue and you work there, quit.
Zuck isn’t going to back track over this unless a significant portion of his workforce withholds labor.
There are also so many other places to work that don’t have the same society destroying baggage.
Some could afford to leave, but we should encourage people to try and change things where they work. Abandoning or avoiding it isn’t the only way. I read your comment to suggest that they shouldn’t complain or try to get the policy changed back. It seems you were suggesting they should leave, even if they can’t get an equivalent job. Does that sound right?
Clarification: it’s not Meta’s decision, it’s Mark Zuckerbeachboy’s decision. He’s the one who went to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring.
Hope it burns!
There will be a day of reckoning when the American reich collapses. Zuckerblingbling will be among the ones on trial.
I’ve had the feeling this is all coming to something, I just hope I’m around to see the reckoning.
It’s been a long time coming.
I myself first realized we were going down the proverbial slippery slope when Dubya signed the USA Patriot Act into law. And now with Trump v2, we’re entering the truly active, “official”, darkest phase of the American dictatorship. This is America’s 1933 Germany. And if history is anything to go by, it will end in 12 years and it will not end without tears.
Plus ca change… Just make sure you’re not among the collaborators when it ends.
I think you Misspelled the company name, which has been renames to “Maga”. Don’t fact check this please, it’s free speech!!1!