Oh I would have totally done this lol
Oh shit I wanna do this
Dealer’s choice ehh? Let’s go with “explosive herpes”.
For those wondering, this played out well! OP found someone to take the job. His wife bit on the prank gleefully, was actually thrilled by the idea that OP had a son he didn’t know about. When the prank was revealed, she thought it was hilarious. Ultimately pretty wholesome, OP married a keeper.
Yep you can read the follow up here: https://www.reddit.com/r/harrisonburg/comments/1hvdyv8/fake_kidpissed_wife_epilogue/
We fired our fact-checkers, so we cannot verify whether that is true or not.
Literally everything about it’s anecdotal so the best result a fact-checker could have is a shrug.
i would like to post a community note saying that i personally believe it to be true
I like how OP denotes the actors, as to be very clear in his description of how he’s either going to get divorced or murdered.
Let’s pretend you accomplish this and she sees the err of her ways. Then what? She’s going to kill you when she finds out the kid is not really yours.
Actually it went really well. The wife thought it was hilarious, according to the husband.
“I can’t decide what amused her more… the effort I put into the ruse or the fact that I ended up proving her right in the process. […She said] ‘Next time you can save $100 and just assume you’re wrong.’”