Add getting the Trump bucks during the initial COVID waves and I don’t know what else to say than he’s materially the best president weve had in my life.
I mean it really shows how useless and evil the Democrats are more than anything. It’s fucking wild
(Obviously it’s not over yet, not getting ahead of myself, but this is the most progress we’ve seen by a long shot)
edit: folks it should be obvious i dont think he is doing this as a good thing or that it’s not going to be a double edged sword. i’m just saying look at biden and compare.
The real cherry on the cake is that it’s part of his weird isolationist shit
That money isn’t going to go to anything good, but it’s removal from ’s pocket is still somehow a net benefit
World is a fuck
I’m waffling between “This is like praising Reagan for negotiating the hostage release in Iran” and “Well it’s not like the Democrats were actually trying.” Happy to end up being wrong but I’m thinking we should wait for the other shoe to drop before we draw any conclusions.
“This is like praising Reagan for negotiating the hostage release in Iran”
That would only make sense if Trump was working behind the scenes to sabotage Democrat led negotiations until he got elected. Even if he was keen on doing that, he didn’t have to because there were no actual negotiations.
But the motives here are very different. With Iran both parties wanted to bring back the American hostages (obviously), and Reagan only sabotaged it for personal gain. But in this case Biden didn’t want a deal and Trump is only indirectly causing a deal because of his isolationism.
Trump is only indirectly causing a deal because of his isolationism
At the risk of going a little conspiracy-brained, I think attributing this to isolationism is a facile reading. I don’t think Trump actively colluded with anyone but it’s reasonable to assume that Netanyahu did what he could to drag out the negotiations knowing that a ceasefire would be good for the dems politically but, even so, they wouldn’t try to apply any leverage to get an agreement in place. Bibi needed the ceasefire because the genocide is destroying Israel’s economy, but he also needs Hamas because they’re how he holds onto power. So while the agreement looks like a loss for Israel and like Trump had to twist their arm, it’s still a win for Netanyahu. Now they can quietly annex the West Bank once the world stops paying attention and go back to the slow genocide in Gaza, which the Trump admin won’t do anything to prevent.
yeah i mostly agree with this. it is partially what i’m talking about. bibi saw trump as ok here’s someone i can reasonably say “he talked me into it” to, whereas with biden and harris, who kept shouting for israel to kill all Palestinians, there isn’t a way to not look weak.
this is why the democrats suck so fucking bad
He won’t do it, but imagine he did universal healthcare labeled like “Patriot Care” or some shit, he’d go down in the history books as probably the best president ever, just for that alone. The bar is in the bedrock.
I’m very curious how he reacts once he starts receiving praise from the left online if the ceasefire is a success.
No idea what that looks like with him
I’m a big fan of the current push to convince him that it would really piss the left off if he built high speed rail and called it “Trump Train.”
Like nothing would own the libs and commies harder than high speed Trump Train we would all be soooooooo mad!!!
if only they’d make a nonwoke train then all American patriots would ride it, for generations, and chant Trump’s name
The Israeli’s will probably violate the ceasefire almost immediately like they did with Lebanon. Don’t believe it for a second.
Trump took $100 million in donations from Miriam Adelson (I think the single largest donation he received) allegedly to allow Israel to annex the West Bank. Her people denied she demanded that but she is also an ultra-Zionist and billionaires aren’t known for just handing out no-strings-attached campaign funds.
During his first term Netanyahu and Trump were best buds. The “peace plan” he came up with his son in law was just a wish list of all the things Netanyahu wanted without ever giving the Palestinians a state.
Color me skeptical that Trump is playing hardball with Netanyahu. For that to make sense you’d have to buy the line that Trump is a genuine anti-war dove. I think it is far more likely to be a combination of 1.) this is the inevitable end to all this, Israel simply cannot sustain it as they are not any closer to their goals while the economy is still shit and their military is continuing to get hit hard by the Resistance in Gaza; and 2.) there is some quid pro quo deal going on with Trump and Netanyahu, maybe an agreement to support West Bank annexation, maybe a massive increase in financial and military support, etc.
Color me skeptical that Trump is playing hardball with Netanyahu. For that to make sense you’d have to buy the line that Trump is a genuine anti-war dove.
I think it can make sense without him being a dove. Trump isn’t anti-war, but he probably finds Netanyahu to be very annoying (it seems most people do) and doesn’t like him. Netanyahu pissed him off at the end of his last term by congratulating Biden. If the new reports are to be believed then Trump seems to still have a personal dislike or at least disregard for Netanyahu. Trump doesn’t want this war to be happening while he’s in charge because it can be used to criticize him from both the Zionist side as well as the humanitarian side. It’s a lose-lose from his perspective, and also the guy in charge of the war is a tedious annoying “traitor”.