How exactly is this uplifting? Because Bill Burr said something? This means what? That change will happen, insurance companies will change their ways??? This sub standards are so low.
standards are so low.
Dawg have you seen the news lately? Also Burr is an icon
I would say its pretty unusual for a celebrity with a reputation, status and money on the line to be on the side of public opinion when it goes against what the people in power are saying. Its uplifting because his voice is louder than mine, i cant make an impact on my own and keep luigi out of jail. But with bill outspoken and on my team, something might actually happen.
Insurance companies are taking the risk of offering insurance. That is why they normally make money year after year after year.
When bad things happen, they take the hits. They take on some debt. They stop making profits… because they decided to purchase the risk from people. That’s the gig.
There is a middle ground here that doesn’t bone homeowners and doesn’t completely bone the insurance companies affected. They should be taking on debt and making zero profits until they pay it off. That’s not how things work here though, i’m sure they will be bailed out on taxpayer money or something… but what should probably happen is that they should be given a federal loan on pretty favorable terms, something like 1-2% interest, until it’s paid off.
At the same time standards for homes in areas at risk should be such that fire mitigation is mandated whenever a house changes hands. This will inevitably drive up costs, but again maybe this is another case for low/no interest rate loans to cover the changes. A billion or two today could save 25-100-500++ billion over a few years.
There is a middle ground here
There doesn’t need to be a middle ground. Most developed countries do fine with universal healthcare.
You’re not incorrect, though his comment seems specifically targeted at home owners insurance.
I am pretty close to the opinion that all private companies need to be abolished and absorbed by collective ownership. There are almost no instances where I can see greed being the secret ingredient that makes things run MORE smoothly.
Sometimes I’m not sure if I’m a Bill Burr fan, but then he does shit like this and I go all Gaga for him.
His comedy is pretty good. Not so much his old stuff but his newer stuff is amazing. Like his comedy or not, he’s always had a “fuck you” attitude about this kinda stuff which is why I respect him so much. The only comedian I know that calls shit like it is and calls out other people on their bullshit without giving a shit about what he says. He’s like the voice in the back of my head when I’m pissed off at something incarnate.
I followed him back on O&A and watched his small bits to his Breaking Bad stuff and everything… seen him like 5 times live. I love his body of work … old to new.
His “fuck you” attitude is one that makes me wish I’d have a friend like Bill calling my ass out. I love it.
He’s definitely a bit of an asshole, but at the end of the day, from what I’ve seen from him over the years he does have his head on straight on a LOT of issues.
I don’t even think he’s an asshole, honestly. He just has no filter against stupidity.
Tbh that’s probably a big part of why I think his head on straight, because I’m kinda the same way in that regard
That’s a good point I think but I’d argue that’s kinda a recipe for an asshole. Especially if you think you’re always right and everyone else is stupid. Not that I think that’s really the case with burr (I mean he can definitely be a bit of an ass sometimes but who isn’t) and I don’t have much of a problem with him at all but I think you’re description kinda only makes a person conditionally not an asshole 😄
Shhh, that’s what people were saying about Dave Chappelle before, you know, all the stuff he’s said recently about trans people
I assure you no one was saying that about Dave Chappelle. That dude has always been a racist jackass. He just happened to be funny for a short while.
Honestly the most annoying thing about the trans people shit is he just goes on and ON about it, and his jokes about it aren’t even that funny if you’re trying to look at it from a bigoted perspective. Like it’s not good material. It’s BORING dude. Why do like two whole specials where half of the time is you talking about it.
I do not care for him using homophobic and ableist words as insults, but he’s from Boston so it doesn’t surprise me that he does. Other than that, he seems like a decent guy.
What homophobic and ableist words does he use? I’m trying to think of times when he said one and nothing is coming to mind.
He’s definitely gone into territory that I think some people find “offensive”, but I personally find to just be blunt. Maybe it’s the old school Bostonian vibe, which I understand as a Bostonian, and some people not from the region don’t necessarily.
So? People get so hung up on their right to remain unoffended. That’s not reality - it’s hiding. Our collective thin skin is getting shredded. We all need a dose of “wake the fuck up and smell the bullshit” more often.
I watched that clip on Kimmel. I don’t normally watch but I like Bill Burr. Kimmel got really uncomfortable after he said Free Luigi. Not just like the network telling him, but in a way that seemed like Kimmel doesn’t understand why people like Luigi.
Kimmel is really quiet leftist, so he gets it. But he’s also beholden to network executives who only understand money and the things that make them money. And advertisers don’t like Luigi or the idea that CEOs are disposable.
Kimmel is a brogressive limousine liberal.
That doesn’t make him a bad guy, but based on what I’ve seen of Kimmel it’s entirely possible that he would not understand
I think a lot of rich leftists are hoping that shit holds together long enough that they can die comfortable, even if it means poor people have to suffer decades.
Being on your national left doesn’t make you a leftist.
There’s lots of things I don’t understand.
Like the color of thought and the sounds of a rainbow.
In my town a rainbow sounds like wet synthetic rubber tires driving by on a dry road
It feels humid but the sun is shining on your face. Your feet are wet if you are barefoot.
Then turn around, that’s what a rainbow is
Sometimes you get a double when a big truck rolls by
As if. It meant something. But it’s just rain and sun, moon and stars.
You can almost feel the bass