Kee and Peele skit.
World wide web link for those lacking a wrestling browser:
So weird. Is YouTube trying to make their own world wide something that isn’t a web to connect people?
Cause that link worked for me.
What browser are you using? The WWE link doesn’t work for me, but I’m using FireFox and wondering if perhaps Chrome automatically fixes the URL.
That’s an awesome skit. I heard a rumor that Jordan Peele was considering making a whole movie about that Wendell character.
Yeah! That’s the same character. But if he makes a whole movie about Wendell I just hope it’s not a horror film…
But… why? I’m sure nobody at the McDonald’s even noticed or cared about him, let alone who he was talking to, or pretending to talk to.
When you’re this depressed and alone having other people think that you’ve got your shit together and aren’t more depressed than the imprint in your mattress can be a way of escapism for just a short amount of time.
OP 's car:
Why waste? Wouldn’t you just eat it while hangover? McD’s is great for hungover food.
A lot of people hate leftovers, and I think the reason is because they don’t know how to store and reheat them properly. So the food dries out in the fridge from improper storage, or gets soggy/chewy in the microwave from improper heating. Or reheating foods in the microwave that should be reheated on the stove/in the oven/air fryer/etc. Or using the right equipment to reheat but using the wrong settings/time. I could go on and on…
The point I’m making is that there’s no reason why leftovers can’t taste just as good as when they were fresh if you know what you’re doing.
It is almost impossible for leftovers to taste just as good as when fresh though. You can get close but that’s it.
There are a lot of foods that taste better and better with every time you reheat them. Especially a lot of stews: Grünkohl, Bigos, Lasagna, Chilli con Carne, Pörkölt, all kinds of Curry etc.
Problem with reheating McDonald’s is, that it’s shit food to begin with. To get a decent menu out of McD leftovers you put them in the oven for 7 minutes, but make sure to replace them with a pizza 6 minutes before they’re done.
This is the most depressing greentext I’ve read in a while.
Or just order without the shenanigans. Nobody cares, and if they ask (why would they), just say you’re picking up dinner for the family. I do that all the time wearing sweatpants or whatever (WFH), and I’ve never had someone ask. I’m not fat or anything, but fat people are in the same situation, so it really doesn’t matter.
All they care is that you pay for your order.