The sun has many millions of modern worshippers. Every person sunbathing. Every farmer and gardener. Everyone with PV (photovoltaic) on their roof who loves checking the stats. You don’t need to personify something to pay it respect and gratitude. A moderate solar flare may remind some of its power, but so far in my lifetime the sun has been a merciful god, and I give many thanks.
For those sunscreen UV-phobes: your blame of the sun is misplaced. It is the atmosphere of this planet who’s punishing us with sun burns for our disrespectful emissions.
Just make friends with Trump and then the whole world will line up to suck your dick.
If humans love anything is facism and racism.
Just get an alien race to build a dyson sphere and supply everything with energy on demand to all earth based lifeforms.
Throw a flare our way to get our attention.