Clarification: I mean a person who has actually been dead for a while and suddenly they’re alive again
They would go “Who was elected?” and immediately return to their casket.
We have examples of people being misidentified as dead, who rise either at the hospital, mortuary, or after.
It is speculated this is one of reasons ‘wakes’ were established, just to make sure the loved one was well and truly dead before committing them to earth.
Most of them are buried, so I’d say they die again.
Years and years of fucking with legal system of your country.
Not really. My country’s legal system, at least, foresees that someone may be mistakenly declared dead and so provides in the Todeserklärungsgesetz (§ 24):
(1)Wenn der für tot Erklärte persönlich vor Gericht erscheint und die Aufhebung der Todeserklärung verlangt, so hat das Gericht, falls die Identität des Antragstellers mit dem für tot Erklärten unzweifelhaft feststeht, ohne weiteres Verfahren die Aufhebung der Todeserklärung auszusprechen.
which translates to:
If the person who has been declared dead appears personally in front of a court and demands the cancellation of the declaration of death, then the court has to, if there is no doubt as to the identity of the applicant with the person who has been declared dead, without further procedure declare the annulment of the declaration of death.
Something that nobody seems to have touched upon is the fact that many dead people are embalmed.
If you suddenly came alive again after being embalmed, you’d suddenly become dead again.
Also, post-mortem examinations are not uncommon if the cause of death was not clear. Again this might lead to instant re-death.
Finally, if the cause of death /was/ clear (such as trauma), then again, that may likely result in instant re-death.
While technically true, this really doesn’t change the question. Life is a complex series of chemical reactions; death is what happens when these reactions stop.
Let’s say you die of heart failure. Your heart stops pumping blood. Then the brain stops getting oxygen, due to the lack of blood. Then rigor mortis, and so on. If these aren’t all fixed, you would also re-die immediately (actually, without the brain function being fixed, you would never really be alive again).
The premise assumes that all of that has been addressed by them coming back to life. Adding a few external factors doesn’t change that. If it did, the simple fact that most people are buried and would suffocate would render the point moot. Same for decomposition.
Although cremation would be awfully hard to tackle…