If that’s a popular place to cut through, that hedge would also get wrecked from kids trying to see if they can jump it.
Source: the hedge surrounding part of the property of my childhood home. (I could jump it!)
I especially like when people do this in the snow and make big holes that I can easily step into
Those fuckers. Maybe instead of the bush fence, it should have been a wrought iron fence. With spikes on top.
You don’t want turrets when you can send out the flamethrower drones once the proximity sensors are triggered.
I have a hobby of doing the opposite: making undesirepaths.
During large snowfalls, I often need to bring out the shovel and make a path, both from my house and in front of it towards the main road. I like to add turns and bends, just enough to confuse and lightly annoy, but not enough for people to consider stepping into deep snow or making their own path.