God damn, he is such a cringe-inducing edge lord!
When the opposing party funded a genocide, this is what you get.
Everyone funded a genocide. If you paid taxes, you did too.
I’m not trying to excuse Biden for his love for Israel and material support for them, but singling out “the opposing party” as the issue here is missing the method of reform that’s actually going to fix it. The issue is American politics and media, and the American system. Let’s fix that. If you thought singling out the Democrats as the problem that needed to be got rid of was going to fix it, brother just wait, because you succeeded and your plan is going into action as of now.
Bro, why you upset? You helped Trump get re-elected. You should be happy with yourself.
I’ll bite. What’s the thinking here? How did Dem voters help Trump get elected?
And you think Orange Butt Boy and President Elon are going to make it better?
Did I say that? It sounds like you were part of the blue MAGA genocide-supporting crowd that helped him get re-elected.
Dude we didn’t vote for this asshole as part of the blue crowd. How the fuck you think the blue maga supporting crowd even exists because it doesn’t.
I mean sure you might be one of the trolls doing a psyops but what the actual fuck horrible take is that.
This shit logic: Oh you’re going to vote for someone that is currently slapping you in the face. Well if you support that you might as well just vote for the people that are going to shoot you in the face. So fucking dumb.
When you can’t properly place blame this is what you get. Enjoy the boot, pigfucker.
What happened to the twin that was removed from you with the rest of your brain?
This, my friend, is a 400ton edgelord take. One could talk about the underlying analysis but my, your tone is the first thing that strikes me. No one Hi will suffer under this administration would understand this. Fishing for purity-vs-sheeples won’t help anyone.
P. S. : In my book, the dems are awful, and I’m not even an US citizen, so I’m not directly concerned.
I just hope you’re very young and will regret your wording one day.
Yes, the person seeing a literal Nazi salute from someone Trump is giving a lot of authority to, and using that as an excuse to attack the Democrats instead of saying “this is fucked up”, is definately very concerned about genocide…
It looks like you got exactly what you wanted. By supporting a pro genocide candidate you got a Nazi as a result.
fucking nazi asshole piece of shit
Wait, are we allowed to call them Nazis yet? Or is it still unnecessary vitriol?
Could people please just read a little bit of history before commenting on it? Please?
Yes, the full formal name of the Nazi party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers’ Party). Yes that name has “socialist” in it.
But you know what? North Korea is the 조선민주주의인민공화국 (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). Are we to take it as read, then, that you think North Korea is democratic? (Or that it gives a shit about the People?) No?
Extrapolate that to the Nazis.
It’s well known in history circles that extend one micro-step away from simplistic high school history that the word “socialist” was put into the Nazi Party’s name because they were trying, in their early days, to siphon members from other socialist groups. This is called “branding”. You label yourself in ways that makes you sound like what people want, get them on your side, then turn into what you want. Do you want another example for a political party instead of a nation? Canada’s old “Progressive Conservative Party of Canada” would be a case in point. I mean the name is a literal contradiction in terms, but I guess because it says “progressive” they must have been a progressive party, right? RIGHT!?
Here are a few more names that are flat-out lies:
- Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (neither liberal, nor democratic)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo (just like the DPRK, this place isn’t even remotely democratic)
- The United States Taxpayers Party (now Constitution Party, was never about Taxpayers and always about what would now be alt-right policies)
- The Sustainable Australia Party (named like it’s about the environment, is really anti-immigration)
- The American Independent Party (named to fool people into thinking they’re registering as independents, but is really a far right party)
- The Social Democratic Party (sounds left-wing, but is really centrists who broke off from the UK’s Labour Party)
That list could go on for a very long time, but I hope by now you can understand how anybody who actually opened a history book would laugh at “the socialist part”.
My grandfather used to kill Nazis. Seems like history is repeating itself.
It used to be okay to kill Nazi’s on sight, as they are not only a threat to National Security, but a threat to humane values itself. Our grandfathers watched people die in droves for the chance to kill a Nazi. Now? You’ll probably be shot or arrested by police for killing a Nazi.
Is this real?
There was a time when Americans fought Nazis. Maybe Americans need to do that again, instead of watching this play out.
Not that I don’t believe you but I just HAVE to see this, this is fucking insane
No need to hide it anymore, huh?
I think that’s why they had it indoors. Remove the opportunity for the people to dissent in the moment.
Exactly this. People still don’t seem to grasp it, but they will soon. This is the end game. No need to pretend anymore, they got the thing they’ve been working towards for decades.
My only hope is that the GOP splinters over this kind of shit and destroys itself. But I’m not holding my breath.