I’m an 18yo out of high school. I don’t really know what to do with my life going forward, but I know further education isn’t for me. I haven’t found many jobs going for people my age and I know OF creators can make a lot of money if they doing it correctly. I’m curious if 1. It’s worth the trouble? 2. It’s looked down upon by those in the nsfw community and 3. If anyone would actually sub to me if I did set it up. Happy to chat, discuss it, answer questions and have a general discussion. I’ve also posted some pics of me on my profile if you want to have a look x

11 points

I mean, people do succeed at it, but it’s a lot of hard work to go from zero to any kind of useful income.

You have to actively and aggressively market yourself. You have to do that with the ugly fact that the very people you’re trying to convert to paying customers are probably assholes, since people in general are assholes.

You have to put in effort into that side of things, while also dealing with the inevitable trolls too.

You have to differentiate yourself enough to stand out from the crowd, but not go so niche that you exclude the vanilla sorts.

With no moral bullshit or prudery involved, if my kid asked me this, I’d tell them the same thing. It’s a shit ton of work for the chance to make something resembling a living. Unless you get really lucky, our won’t ever be anything you can do as your main income. If you do, you have to know, not just think about, that it is going to go away eventually. The baked market shrinks the older you get. That sucks, because it isn’t like a person can’t be sexy as hell their entire life. But it’s still true.

So, you can’t really call it a career at all.

So, you still have to plan for the future, but you’re planning it with the fact that your pictures are now out there. Even if you don’t do nudes (and with a lot of luck, that is possible to make work), you’ve got that hanging there. While I don’t have any issues with what someone did do make money in the past, I’m in the minority. Until and unless general society gives up that sense of skewed morals, there’s always a chance that picture of you in your sexiest dress can bite you in the ass. And the less clothing is on, the worse the bite can be. The more that picture is obviously done for money, the worse the bite will be.

Again, this is the same speech I would give anyone your age that asked me this irl. It’s a decision to make carefully, and once made, needs to be planned out well.

Before you make the decision, start finding the forums and such where people that have done it give advice. Talk to people that have failed, just as much to those that have succeeded.

1 point

Be aware that the vast majority of people on OF make little to no money, ever. A handful might make a real career out of it but from what I understand it’s a real grind, uploading content every day. Talking to and interacting with subscribers for many hours a day. Lots of time spent in promotion across several different platforms, editing, etc.

I’ve heard stories of people receiving abuse because someone messaged them in the early hours of the morning, while they were asleep and didn’t get a response. Anyone you know can easily get your pictures and show them to friends and family or prospective partners out of vindictiveness.

Like, all power to you if you want to do it, but it’s not the utopia of free money and selling bath water except for maybe a handful of people out of literally tens of thousands of people grinding it out for pennies.

3 points

Someone posted the other day that their spouse was in the top 1 % of OF. And they made only 150 € a month. Being a successful OF model is kind of the same as being a successful Twitch streamer. Sure, it’s possible. But only for a small lucky few.

I’d even say it’s easier to be successful on Twitch than on OF. And you’re probably more successful on OF if you are already successful on Twitch or YouTube.


Everyone should be free to do as they please with their life and their body, so if you feel like doing it, it’s your life, don’t let anyone else decide for you.

With that said, before doing it, please consider the long term situation here:

First of all, whatever goes on the internet stays there forever. This means you need to accept that in 20 years your content will still be available. You might have changed careers, but people will be able to find your work till then. If you are ok with this, go ahead.

Linked to this, depending on where you live, people will react differently to this. Some won’t care, but some others will, and if you want to look for a job at a later stage of your life, you need to be prepared to be challenged about your past.

People in onlyfans can make a lot of money. But that doesn’t mean they will. If you are lucky, hit the jackpot and earn a lot of money (let’s hope so!!), think of the future. Sadly it’s a job where age matters. How long will it last, nobody knows. You might be able to keep going till your 30’s or even your 40’s, maybe your 50’s. Then what? Plan ahead and save money for then!!

On the positive side, you’ll be your own boss, but as with any content creator, the audience will want to have a saying on your content. Given the nature of the job, please, always, always, think of yourself first. Never do something that you could regret later!

With all that said, whatever you choose, I wish you the best of luck!

1 point
  1. Yes, if you’re the top 0.1% or something like that.

  2. Don’t know.

  3. Yes, someone would probably. Would enough people do it to justify the effort? 99% of people who try won’t make a living of it. How do you intend to stand out from the crowd?


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