Feel free to remove this, mods, if it’s too tangential to modern science, but I thought the community might find this early nature vs. nurture hypothesis amusing
Hohenzollern or Hohenstaufen?
To be fair, given the model he was working with, this was actually a descent experiment so long as you ignore the ethical implications.
This was perhaps done to “prove a hole in Adam and Eve story”? They were manufactured as adults, but might then lack the childish capacity for language learning. If created with fully developed language capacity, then why not create them with full understanding of obedience to God’s will. It would take a lot of time and patience to teach God’s language at a pace suitable for undeveloped beings made of dust and ribs.
Some goat herders in the bronze age had this fun story about why snakes, the smartest animal, didn’t have legs. Also the storm God of wrath that demands the blood of the first born babies or he will strike you dead, made a golem and named him ‘red man’ and he made a woman from the golem parts, and there were trees of concepts, and a flaming sword, and uhh… yeah it kind of went off the rails. This is why I only worship Ashera. El and Adoni are such dicks.
His face when they just make incomprehensible grunts and poop on the rug.
They ended up developing a rudimentary sign language based on facial expressions and gestures. Because the women who were taking care of them were strictly instructed to never speak… But they were never given any instructions regarding facial expressions or gestures. So the kids learned that expressions and gestures are how to communicate.
This should be obvious, but even children will invent basic language. You only need to look as far as the deaf community for that, that always came up with pidgin languages even as they were forced to try and learn spoken language.
There’s an interesting free short documentary here: https://www.bslzone.co.uk/watch/history-deaf-education-1