Except for the part in prophecy where Jesus is specifically described as being unattractive lol
“He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” https://web.mit.edu/jywang/www/cef/Bible/NIV/NIV_Bible/ISA+53.html#:~:text=He had no beauty or,that we should desire him.&text=He was despised and rejected,and we esteemed him not.
Hair was also curlier, like lamb’s wool.
He could probably have had some decent dreads.
I thought those passages meant he had back hair you could get lost in for days but I’m no religious scholar
I don’t see any reason to take the term “beauty” here in a modern sense. If that is the game we are playing here.
I dunno man, that complexion still seems a little too light.
I hope I’m not the only one old enough to be thinking of a Smurf yelling at me to adjust my TV
Nah dude I’m not fucking with my screen settings just cause y’all keep picking weird Jesuses
Is it “Jesuses”? “Jesi”? “Jeese”? Or maybe it’s “Christs Jesus” like attorneys general?
The dog tags of his fallen enemies as armor is how what Jesus did as well
What jesus actually looks like:
Are you all discussing how a person from a fairytale looked like?
The joke is more about Americans thinking a bronze age man in the middle east looking like a white American or European.
The Iron Age(s) started several hundred years before the Roman conquest of Judaea.
The Hittites in Anatolia, basically next door to the area, were among the first to discover iron working.