its absolutely incredible
can you believe it ive just seen this photo that shows donald trump dressed like a hamas and holding a gun and demanding a ceasefire from netanyahu now i know what youre thinking this sounds like some crazy fake news but just look at the photo for yourself i mean its right here in front of us and it looks pretty real to me
the FAKE news will say this is a hoax but i dont believe it and it just goes to show you that trump is a man of action and he knows how to get things done and he wont let anyone push him around and netanyahu was supposedly crying like a baby when trump held that gun to his head can you believe it
its free real estate
now whats perfect about trump is the man knows real estate and real estate is all about understanding people and places and property and thats practically the same if not better than being a geographical and sociological historian of the middle east i mean think about it
trump is exactly what we need in the middle east someone who can just cut through all the nonsense and get things done because its always about money and property and all the dems were doing was giving them cool weapons which isnt good enough
Trump made a CASINO go bankrupt. Dude isn’t fit to lead addiction gambling…he is literally useless. Have fun when America breaks and goes bankrupt
so youre saying hes got the experience required to bankrupt israel if netanyahu doesnt do what he says
Have you seen this though