Just randomly sharing my experience here. My sister told me a few weeks ago she was going to change for a new phone (a Motorola, she likes AOSP-like experience). I noticed that her new phone wouldn’t get a jack.
“Yeah, I know, I hope I can make it work with a USB-adapter”. She has nice headphones that she likes to use, so USB-C earplugs were not an option.
Fast forward to today, she told me the adapter she got starts to malfunction:
- she has to twitch the jack in the adapter for the thing to work
- when she plugs the adapter in, Google Assistant takes over and randomly starts skipping songs.
She’s now considering getting wireless earbuds, but she’s not a fan of having to recharge them to be able to use them, and is also cautious about the e-waste potential.
I have a Moto G84 which does the job. It’s not the best phone in the world, I’m eyeing a flagship from time to time and keep the G84 as a “connected walkman”, but would it break today, I would probably get a G55 (https://www.notebookcheck.net/Motorola-Moto-G55-smartphone-review-Inexpensive-doesn-t-have-to-be-boring.932900.0.html)
That’s it for me, do you have similar experiences to share?
I think that the insistance on headphone jack has gone too far.
There are now enough wired USB-C headphones and wireless earbuds available.
Yes, there are edge cases, like people who work in audio industry where most equipment uses jack as standard connector, or car aux ports, etc.
But when it comes to most casual listening, there are enough solutions.
When migrating to the new phone I tried with USB-C to 3.5 adapter. It did not work most of the time. I suspect that the issue was in my somewhat defective headphones, which have damaged wire and therefore unreliable connection.
Previous phone and other devices were probably able to mitigate the occasional “disconnect”, while the adapter completely dropped connection.
But then I bought USB-C headphones, which work fine.
There are now enough wired USB-C headphones
for sure I don’t want to buy a new one. why the fuck?
and how do I charge while using a jack? I mean when the phone is connected to a PC through USB, it is charged a little so that at least does not drain. but a USB DAC obviously can’t do that, and afaik there are no splitters that would allow to connect a charger
I basically don’t notice that I don’t have a headphone jack. My usb-c adapter is just permanently affixed to my wired IEMs and it basically makes no difference to me if the plug is round or usb-c shaped.
I definitely recommend biting the bullet and getting a good adapter. Since I have a pixel I use the Google one. I made sure my partner got an official apple one for their iPhone since I remember seeing rumors about a volume difference between them if mixed and matched. Aside from Apple shenanigans I haven’t really had an issue with them. I also only charge at night so I never have the problem of needing to charge and listen at the same time.
No not it is not a must. And the vast majority of pwope don’t care.
After experiencing true wireless ear buds, I’m never going back. Yeah no thanks, I don’t want to be literally tethered to my phone.
I still have been able to play games on my phone with truly wireless earbuds because the latency is awful. I’d love to have an option to plug in.
Do both your phone and earbuds support aptx?
Cheap devices almost never support it, but it’s truly what makes Bluetooth earbuds great.
Did you know?
Phones can have a headphone jack and still have Bluetooth for the people who don’t want to use it!
Of course it is possible, but it is an inefficient use of internal phone space. It adds another physical failure point. Increases risk of water entry. And adds construction/repair cost.
All for some thing few care about already and that number gets smaller everyday.
Sorry to be harshly pragmatic about it (I have a few niche hobbies myself) but it’s time to let it go.
Bluetooth can’t even transport mp3 quality. Let alone CD or even HD quality music.
There is no “mp3 quality”, as that can vastly vary depending on bitrate. And what is HD quality music supposed to be? I bet you couldn’t reliably differentiate high quality mp3, CD audio and completely uncompressed wav in a series of blind tests.
A “must”, only for a subset of users.
If it were truly a “must”, more people would be complaining.
I get it, you find Bluetooth unappealing for reasons, just like I find larger phones unappealing. Unfortunately, we’re a minority, neither of these are a “must” for most people.
It’s unappealing because it makes you extremely easy to track. So options without bluetooth are a safeguard for your privacy, which is a human right that has been heavily under attack for years. So in that regard headphone jacks are an objective must. Not enough people are complaining, true, but that’s because they don’t understand the technology and the risks are being obfuscated to them.
I initially held on to the headphone jack but nowadays I’ve completely stopped caring. My Galaxy Buds 2 Pros are pretty dang good even by audiophile standards and the convenience of TWS is quite nice. For my wired IEMs the 9$ Apple dongle works just fine with my Galaxy S24+. Nowadays some IEMS also have USB-C version and I suspect that this trend will continue. Like it or not that jack will eventually become a thing of the past on the vast majority of consumer electronics, not just on phones.