Hey! So I have always wanted to make the jump to linux and pc gaming and figured I would do them both together. I would not consider myself techy, just aout tech literate in that I am aware of how much I dont know.
I have linux mint, on a mid to late i5 w/16gb memory. I wanted initially to make a home server but I have jusy been poking around and ended up trying to play all the games I have in attic through emulators and the like.
So I got loads of emulators, I use Cartridge which is a Lutris fork. It just seemed cleaner and worked when I tried it out. In that I had been booting into PCSX2 and finally playing MK Deception again. After three evenings poking and gaming PCSX2 shuts down every time I try to boot a game.
I have uninstalled, reinstalled and changed from 1.7.xx to 2.2 to the nightly 2.3 (I think). I cannot get it to work.
I have so many questions but if I could get back to Konquest I would be so happy, and bother you all later.
Would be great if u would share log of pcsx2
I fixed it, but before you congratulate me just know that I dont know how and I dont know how to share a log
Does it work if you install the PCSX2 flatpak from Software Manager? I haven’t tried it myself yet, but this page may help and has more detail about the installation methods:
Not sure recommending a flatpak installation is the best thing to someone kinda new.
Yes and no.
Has it got its own set of rules you’d have to learn and thus an accompanying learning curve bump? Sure. Which, in actuality is mostly just knowing that Flatseal is your go-to whenever a flatpak causes issues.
Is it a surefire method after you’ve become accustomed with it? Absolutely. All kinds of jankiness can prevent any piece of software from working on your system. With Flatpak, especially on distros that enable it by default, you at least know that your system isn’t the culprit.
Besides, Flatpak is enabled by default on Linux Mint. The PCSX2 flatpak is even verified. So no additional setting up or whatsoever is required.
What makes you weary besides what’s already stated above?
Hmm, has been a while since I last tried PCSX2, but isn’t there a module for it in Retroarch these days? Usually that works better.
Welcome in from the cold. We have cocoa and blankets.
While I don’t have experience in this area, I trust that someone will be able to give you some advice.
Hey thanks, it is a lot of fun but I cant explain why tinkering with basic shit makes me happy when I could get windows to do this stuff easier. I hate those guys but I feel like I spent ages setting the channels on a car radio and my brain relessed the dopamine as if I educated myself to be a mechanic
How did you install PCSX2? The fact that you are launching it through Cartridge makes me a little worried that you are using the windows version. Try the AppImage or Flatpak packages and see if you have any improvement (assuming you aren’t already using those)
Lutris has an option to act essentially as a frontend for pcsx2, so in theory it should be a Linux version, but I have also struggled in the past with lutris’s versions of things like emulators not having the right permissions to run, since they are a sandbox in a sandbox.
I got the flatpak initially, I realised it was a few releases behind current and got the appimage direct. For whatever reason, the flatpak version is now current in my manager.
Another oddity, opening in steam blocked my dualsense from being recognised by pcsx2 despite steam seeing it and pcsx2 seeing it when launched directly or through cartridge.