I took the dog out for a walk yesterday morning, and she’s still resting from it. To be fair, it was -10C without the wind chill, we were out for 1.5 hours, and she’s at least 10 years old. She also sniffed dozens of animal tracks and barked at a snowmobile. A very satisfying walk indeed.
My cat is getting more adventurous on the leash, which is good news for her but bad news for me. She’ll only go on walks at night, and she wants to lurk around outside everyone’s windows and make me look like a total creep. I’m not trespassing, we never leave the apartment grounds, but it’s dark, my clothes are black, and my cat is black, so I’m worried if I hover too close to the building someone’s just gonna see a silhouette outside their window and get freaked out.
We also switched to a new antacid and she absolutely hates me for it, but she hasn’t thrown up this week :)
To mitigate the creep factor you could try snap-on hi-viz strips on your clothing, and maybe an LED collar on kitty! At least no one could accuse you of hiding in the dark.
Good idea, thanks! Especially about the collar, I bought hers back before I even considered leash training, so it’s not the most visible. It’d be helpful to have something reflective if she ever got away from me
That would be an added benefit, yes! I live in a rural area with no sidewalks and no street lights. Whenever I walk my dog at night, both of us are lit up and reflective, just in case. I used to be the only one that went to such extremes but now I see a couple other people following suit. Yay for safety!
While my wife and I slept in, my daughter got up early to play video games so the dog laid down next to her and started whining until she gave him breakfast.
When I got up he was curled up with his nose tucked under feet. I draped the blanket over him but he got up to follow me to the kitchen.
I’m going to drink some coffee in the backyard in a few and he’ll follow me out there to bark at squirrels.
Local dog park is closed for winter but I’ll probably take him to the bigger one around lunch time.
I have two cats who are annoyed and waiting impatiently - The fish I’m cooking for them is too hot to serve.
My bunny’s starting to warm up to us a little bit. Keep in mind we’ve had him for three years and he still hates us. But now he’s pissing on the dog’s bed to assert dominance. He’s so rude but so cute.