Take a shot every time Lovecraft says something is unknowable or indescribable.
No. No, no. No no no no. NO.
We don’t need to go through a 40 in ten minutes.
Interestingly, it was a thread on the same screenshot
Things that freaked H. P. Lovecraft out:
- Geometry
- Stars
- Cool air
- Subways
- Old houses
- Corners of rooms
- Violin music
- Flute music
- The very concept of dreams
- Realistic paintings
It would be easier to list the things that didn’t freak Howard out.
On the Creation of N*ggers
When, long ago, the Gods created Earth, In Jove’s fair image Man was shap’d at birth. The beasts for lesser parts were next design’d; Yet were they too remote from humankind. To fill this gap, and join the rest to man, Th’Olympian host conceiv’d a clever plan. A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure, Fill’d it with vice, and call’d the thing a N*GGER.
Lol, apparently I’m a double threat against H.P.L. I was first chair flute and first chair violin.
Ummm, my band teacher wouldn’t let me play violin in band, so I earned first or second chair in every section of the band out of spite.
I earned first chair violin in university.
Funnily enough bard is my least favorite D&D class…
Things that made him cum:
- Gambreled rooftops mostly
Honorable mentions:
- Gables
- Central chimneys
- Providence
Lovecraft being a neurotic mess afraid of everything is probably why his books are so good. He did a great job with filling his books with that sense of existential dread.
at my work my favorite customer ive ever talked to was a funny ass Irishman who made jokes about his ex wife
I saw him once and never again but I’d love to ride an elevator with him, dude was funny AF in the 2 or 3 minutes I talked with him