What would be good to stock up on, assuming a worst case scenario of 50% mortality + the vaccine proves ineffective due to antivaxxers?
Excluding masks and handgel. I’m talking about “assuming society is shut down by a mass mortality event, that still leaves the structures of power more or less intact, but does pause everything for a little while.”
I saved this comment some time ago. Seems like a good start.
I saw a woman on XHS saying there was a big outbreak in Atlanta that hasn’t been getting any coverage. Apparently a lot of large poultry farms in that area
Quoting my post from another thread for no particular reason:
Cant wait to learn about the next pandemic (on top of the current ongoing one) through healthcare workers anecdotally reporting a huge uptick in respiratory cases, and everyone else noticing a “really bad flu going around.”
Do you have any info on this? There’s been a big outbreak in Elbert County, a portion of which is under quarantine, and they’ve upped biosecurity measures across the state. Maybe that’s what they meant? Idk of any big outbreak near Atlanta.
I’ve also seen attempts to blame supposed gain of function testing in Athens GA for the current outbreak. I haven’t looked into that at all but my first thought is it’s bullshit since it’s Peter McCullough and I’m pretty sure the timelines don’t line up. I think we’re probably just gonna be having the same arguments we had during Covid.
Here’s the video, it seems like she just said “in Atlanta” but is mentioning cases all around the area and not exclusively in Atlanta proper.
Oh yeah she’s talking about Elbert county. It seems there are other flocks that were hit but Elbert County was the big one. I didn’t realize how close it was to Atlanta.
The disease seems to be spreading pretty heavily in the Atlantic and Mississippi flyways rn. Flocks are getting hit hard up the east coast and in the Midwest, esp Indiana and Ohio.
I’ll have the chicken nuggets, please.