He’s also strangely against lab grown meat… which I just flat out don’t understand. It’s unproven on whether or not it’s even economically viable… and PA is famous for scrapple. So I mean… calling anything else slop is confusing.
Because it’s vegan or meat free. Everything sold at grocery stores that are meat free prepared proteins are hugely overpriced, making them unaffordable for most families.
I just had an impossible burger i made at home, the 2 impossible meat patties cost $10. Which is absurdly expensive. Vegan chicken burgers are similar. Vegan bacon costs 3x the price of regular bacon. Same with vegan lunch meats.
So lab grown meat will most certainly be overpriced and not appealing to regular people and families who can’t afford premium prices
I remember reading this article on the subject and finding it interesting: https://archive.ph/8xyWx
My terrible summary of that article is that it’s really hard to turn cell goop into something that is recognizably hamburger. There’s a shitload of structure to meat so you have to make the cells do their “turn into this part of a cow” thing. That’s been really difficult to scale up. One shortcut you can take is to use actual animal meat as a starter, but then you’re no longer making vegetarian meat, and I seem to recall there being some other issue with that.
I really want lab grown meat to work, but I’m losing hope.
I remember when he was popular I would get downvoted to hell for pointing out he was full of shit. He’s a silver spoon, oligarch nepo baby who wears hoodies and shorts to pretend he’s one of us, he isn’t.
I would point out how disingenuous he was and how the other shoe would drop after he was elected and people would report me to mods
I realized it early on and didn’t vote for him but my wife did. All I had to do is find out where he stood on Palestine. Palestine has been my litmus test for how truly progressive a candidate is. So when the genocide started and he revealed himself for the ghoul he really was, I wasn’t surprised.
Hopefully he’ll end up in the same circle of hell as Kyrsten Sinema (if I remember my Dante correctly, this means that Satan himself will be nibbling on their heads for all eternity alongside Judas, Brutus, and Cassius).
The question is would oz have been better?
Do is he a piece of shit who lied to get into office or did he lose his mind after having a stroke?
Side note: continuing to run for Senate after having a stroke isn’t bravery, it’s insane.
Plot twist: We were all hoodwinked.