MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) has been put on hold, for the first time in it’s 60 year history.
“On January 23, 2025, the CDC failed to release a new weekly issue of MMWR for the first time in the publication’s over 60-year history. The failure was a direct result of the second Trump administration ordering an indefinite “pause” on public communications by all branches of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “Preventing CDC from publishing scientific data via the MMWR represents a radical departure from protocol that will undermine the public’s trust in the Trump Administration,” Jennifer Nuzzo, who runs the Pandemic Center at Brown University, wrote.[25]”
But yeah, it’s all cool. /s No IT’S NOT! I’m not sure how this can undermine public trust, if there wasn’t any to begin with. It only confirms that disaster will be arriving soon. And the Fed isn’t going to be much help. Work within your communities, mutual aid will be what keeps us afloat.
For example: and:
This is scary. Why would someone want to hide that specific information ahead of time? Also, that someone is a puppet of an enemy state and couldn’t have mishandled the previous infectious disease outbreak any worse. And last time, he disbanded the federal epidemic team before COVID came out. This is like evil-villain level foreshadowing.
If you care about your health or your family’s health, yall need to move to a blue state quickly and hunker down for the next 4 years. This madman is going to do everything he can to weaken and separate the union. We need to switch from progress to containment mode.
Well, there may be an imminent incoming pandemic, or it’s just normal fascism things, like turning off all public information and then whitelisting propaganda-safe data to be turned back on when it’s vetted. Can’t really tell which possibility is a worse sign of things to come.
What an easy task! Let’s uproot the entire family’s social bonds and connection to the culture because the president for the next four years is a piece of shit. Possibly learn a whole new language, possibly set the kids back years in school, possibly lose a career, possibly have to be poor for years while studying for certification exams, possibly deal with xenophobia. Spend thousands of dollars to see if you can get approval. Forever be an immigrant on someone else’s land if you’re lucky. Prove to Trump and your soon-to-be old neighbors you really disapprove with this one easy step 👌
The whole “the cruelty is the point” thing is so foreign to me. It isn’t difficult to cause hardship with clean intentions. To cause intentional pain broadly and blindly just doesn’t make sense to me. And I can “devils advocate” and try to empathize fairly well (hard to know if that’s true without acting like a creeper).
Global dominance?
Nope you have seen it in school unless you were home schooled or something. Kids call names and punch for no reason except they are hurt inside and they want to hurt others. We know this is the same because Trump told us over and over. He is sad and angry and will hurt people now that don’t have anything to do with him. You chose this together and I don’t know how you now ask what is this. It is what you chose together
If you think I asked for this or supported others in choosing this, you are incorrect. I’ve been pushing for Bernie for 15 years.
The US CDC, one of the crown jewels of American science and democracy, world leader in it’s field, savior to millions, ruined by a mobbed up failed casino owner and real estate developer from Queens
Ruined by Republican voters who would rather make sure the immigrants are punished than survive the next bird flu.
By racists who feel the need to push down their fellow man than save them.
Can someone explain the benefits that GOP are trying to achieve with this rule? Does the censoring somehow provide an advantage to their popularity?
I think it is part of making government agencies ineffective to prove their ideology that these agencies should be abolished and replaced with private companies (or not at all). That way, they can say come election time, “See? Government can’t do these things well. We should eliminate these agencies.” Many people will forget they are also the reason the agencies are shitty.
They have tried this with underfunding them in the past mostly. This is a much more direct approach.
At one point Trump literally suggested reducing reported Covid cases by just not testing. They genuinely think the important thing is not to talk about it.
Its how conservatism works.
If it makes you feel uncomfortable, sweep it under the rug and ignore it. Nothing is allowed to be bad or need fixing, nothing is allowed to change or be different, thats all scary.
They’re taking things out from Hungary’s (and Russia’s) playbook. Your voters cannot fault you for something they don’t know about.
The order is only in effect until February 1.
I’d be curious about it if it was longer but a 1 week freeze is probably about reducing miscommunication during the gov transition.
Biden instituted a similar rule for 60 days:
Biden instituted the rule because he was taking over the administration from ignorant, conspiratorial hands. I highly doubt the same care is needed here. Please refrain from telling people to “calm their tits.”
“If you can’t see it then it isn’t happening!”
Kansas currently has an outbreak of drug resistant TB.
There’s also the possibility of pulling coverage of PREP/doxy/other medications designed to prevent STIs from insurance coverage. This would devastate the gay community, which is why they would do it.
I’ve been watching this really interesting older docuseries about an illegal alien who was adopted by a Kansan farmer. It really highlights the lengths the rich will go to when they feel justified in their own actions. Makes me wonder if this new TB strain isn’t just the newest bio-weapon introduced by the state’s leading plutocrat.