It’s time to add a descriptive text to video posts, here’s why:
Yeah sure, just tell that to literally everyone I know.
Oh and while you’re at it, tell them not to use any of the most popular chat apps like WhatsApp, Telegram or iMessage.
And don’t forget that when those apps eventually die, or the company behind them goes sour, you have to switch EVERYTHING again, and hope that everyone you know does, too.
This has NEVER been an issue with SMS. So for all the bad, it does one thing really well: convenience.
As much as I’d love to move to a secure message platform, this definitely falls into the “more trouble than it’s worth” category, and that’s disappointing.
In many cases those apps are not necessarily tied to any specific service. That’s why many prefer federated FOSS services.
I mean, Signal (the messenger that Privacy Guides recommends) only works with Signal, right? And if I recall, it was difficult or not even possible to back up your texts from one device to another.
SMS, especially for anyone who isn’t tech-savvy in the least, “just works” without any setup.
How do you convince people to move away from that?
I’m not saying we shouldn’t, I’m saying it doesn’t appeal to the majority of people.
I know some have concerns about iMessage, should Apple go complete evil…but I wouldn’t say it’s in the same league as the other two.
Just get them on a friends and family plan on IKmsngr.tx it’s much cheaper than any phone plan and you can get an extension for calls including video calls as well.
The website has the app, you need to sideload it but it’s very easy. The voice and video extension is on github, linked in the IK Msngr FAQ.
Tell banks that still use it as MFA that
Don’t use those banks. Why are you staying with a bank that has terrible security practices?
Next your going to tell me you pay ATM fees as well.
EDIT: lol what’s with the down votes? If you don’t like your banks practice, don’t use that bank. Being complicit and allowing banks with shitty practices to be your bank only makes it easier for them to not change.
I didn’t say anything about who I bank with or that I use banks that uses these practises. Calm down
I don’t have any other option unless it’s downloading their shitty app for MFA.
A bank is a choice. You can always choose a different bank.
Obviously it doesnt bother you that much if your willing to stick with that bank.
Folks, it being hard to get people to switch from SMS to a more secure messaging platform is not a critique of the video.
Everyone knows its hard, its why videos like this that explain the benefits in simple terms is a useful tool.