I generally drink zero or one cups in the morning. Sometimes one in the afternoon, but not later than 14:00
On work days, I’ll sometimes have a single cup in the mornings.
If I have caffeine after about 2pm it kneecaps my ability to sleep that night.
One cup usually in the afternoon, latest around 6:30 but i sleep late and wakeup late.
Zero. I could never get into the flavor, no matter the type or what was added to it. Which is a shame, brewing coffee smells absolutely delicious, my mouth just disagrees.
I dont know if non-coffee data will mean anything; I don’t drink any coffee but do drink tea, about a liter a day on average. Mostly green.
Usually two cups in the morning on workdays, but decaf. I’ve never felt like the caffeine does anything positive for me, I just get jittery. I just like having something to drink at work and coffee tastes good plus the hot temperature makes me pace myself.