1 mL. Studying chemistry has made that extremely useful and now other units seem ridiculous.
If we’re talking about geology or oceanography though, cubic meters are fine.
1 mL of pure water weighs exactly 1 g at 20 °C and 1 atm pressure :) It’s a defined standard, useful for calibrating other things.
The definition was actually for 4 °C, the point at which water is most dense. At 20 °C the density of water is about 0.997 g/mL. However, we don’t use water to define the metric system anymore, so even at 4 °C - or more precisely 3.983035(670) °C - water is not exactly 1 g/mL.
2000mL of water weighs 2kgs and 355mL weighs about 1/3kg.
To get my mind away from stupid imperial measures of weight, I think of bottles and cans of cola.
(Above is very approximate as sugar, packaging etc have weight. And conventional package size can vary by region.)
Mouthful or handful.
(I had to dig these from the back of a kitchen drawer, so not “favorites” exactly.)