I think about saboteur a lot. And red faction. Oh volition… Oh pandemic
Arena fighters CAN be good, but people have forgotten the history
Didn’t recognise this at first but looked up a video and I played the shit out of this game.
I forgot about it for like 2 decades before it resurfaced for no apparent reason. I only rented it for a few evenings, but me an my friend played the shit out of it. Remembering it and Power Stone made me think of how we’re in a fighting game renaissance, but the arena fighter has been left behind, or even dismissed as fodder for lisenced game purgatory. The only successful remnant still kicking is the platform fighter, which is really just the arena fighter put on its side
Another banger game where killing nazis is fun
Lord of the rings: battle for middle earth 2: rise of the witch king
Damn i the game knower didn’t even know of this one and it’s an RTS I’m certain i had played basically all of them.
My RTS equivalent would be maelstrom. I think I’m the only person who remembers this ever existed. Still being sold on steam no less
Now that’s a game that doesn’t deserve to languish in inaccessable abandonware hell. The orc worker’s “Work never ends here!” soundbite has lived rent free in my head since the xbox 360 days.
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. Pretty much the only Real Time Tactical space flotilla command game ever. Hits a spot between Ground Control and Homeworld that I never knew existed.
Oh, also Ground Control, possibly the first really good 3d RTS