I really like the space opera of star wars, but I also really like star trek, they are both good. except for the new star wars, at least the first 6 actually had a relatively consistent message.
I respectfully disagree about Luke being a mary sue. Empire is literally him training, abandonding said training, and losing a hand and getting his friend frozen; all as a direct result of his established character traits
Which makes literally zero sense and is the most overwhelming evidence of Star Wars fans being unhinged and ignoring reality to fit their own narrative.
Luke was a nobody raised in a rural environment with no threats or signs of harm. Rey on the other hand raised herself on a desert planet by herself where no one protected her and she has to protect herself.
Yet no one has a problem with Luke piloting a military aircraft perfectly a couple days after his aunt and uncle were killed and every problem with Rey swinging a weapon.
Hi. Lifelong Rebel Scum here.
We can live in harmony with our fellow sci-fi nerds. Both our respective favorites inspire real-world positive change. We have better things to fight over than why Luke and Rey suffer from the same bad writing, or the fact that Paramount has been scrambling to bury Star Trek’s communist roots for decades.
Besides… we can unite over our shared distaste for Warhammer 40K.
As a life long 40K fan, I will not publicly admit that I am a lifelong 40k fan. When you make the MTG, Yu Ghi O and middle aged pokemon players look well adjusted…
I’m on the Trek side with this one. Tossing aside the EU was an absolutely insulting move by Disney. They could have had a field day with Corran Horn. His story covered everything from deep sci fi hunting down the Imperial Remnant in rag tag space skirmishes to high fantasy wielding a lightsaber made from a swoop bike handle that changed length when you twisted the throttle.
Instead they put out mindless drivel that holds consistency about as well as a sieve holds diarrhea. Sometimes there’s a nugget, but most shit just runs through.
As a Star Wars fan I’ve always considered Star Trek very classy with intelligent nuances and a solid backbone. I just never could get into it. Probably my penchant for high fantasy. My uncle and grandfather are proud trekkies, though.
The whole Star Wars vs. Star Trek thing is just apples and oranges anyway. Each also has it’s fair share of “that one fan” we all dread, as displayed by Stephanie here.
I still dont get why Star Wars is compared to Star Trek, its space themed fanatsy vs scifi and tbh I prefer scifi :3
Yeah, it’s weird. Compare Star Wars to Lord of the Rings? Of course. Compare Star Trek to Doctor Who? I can see it. Compare Star Wars to Star Trek? Makes no sense to me.
Star Trek and Docter are very comparable, granted different premises and stories but still comparable . Also Star Wars and LODR are extremely comparable both in how they present alien races (as more fantasy) and how they present their political systems respectively.
Star Wars isn’t really SciFi. It’s just Wizards In Space. The Sci-Fi is never really the thrust of the story, it’s just the backdrop.
Thats my point, its all just fantasy. The “force” is a fancy way of saying magic, lightsabers are powered by a magic crystal and arent consistant, blasters have infinite ammo and are powered by magic, all the technology is seemingly powered by magic. Meanwhile the alien races are clearly fantasy inspired, there are magic space ghosts, and a religon that doesnt make any sense (it both has no rules whatsover and somehow follows a vague system of “be good and do good”).
I’m gonna nitpick your blasters point-- has a phaser ever run out of juice on screen? I just assumed the power sources they found for both blasters and phasers was so advanced it just seems like they always have all the power they need.
I’d argue that Star Trek is much the same, they just put a veneer of grounded scientific explanation on top of it. Psychics/ESP is basically magic, being able to think your way to the edge of the universe and back is also magic, Q and their abilities are basically magic, the Megans literally just use magic, etc.
A Federation starship is basically powered by a magic crystal.