All prices in NZD. Highest priced air cooled card, the Asus ROG Astral, is $6299 and the Asus ROG AIO is $6599.
Even after stripping out the 15% sales tax the lowest priced card is still USD 2655.
Welcome to fucking around with global markets and the effects of AI on GPU pricing.
What is up with the dollar in NZ and AU? Are we doing okay?
I heard that MicroCenter had less than 300 5090’s for the entirety of the USA. Nvidia has taken the nintendo approach to controlling how much hardware they release.
Indent see any point in buying this unless you’re aCG artist for movies or you have a 1070ti
My 3070 isn’t cutting it anymore.
Most games gobble up that 8gb like it’s nothing.
I have a 3060 12gb. It’s still good. My next card will be AMD though I think. GeForce experience is killing me