Only this idiot, who has no self identity and changes her personality every other day, would think it’s cute that her daughter is acting the same.
You’d think that would be a lightbulb to turd that her kid is actually interested in doing something more than sitting in front of a tv all day long. That’s actually so sad.
I wonder if this is 🍋’s 1st time back to a cheer comp since her epic meltdown that BirdShit couldn’t handle.
And only her would think it’s cute that she’s disrupting another teams performance and in the way of their parents view/video.
I wouldn’t have a problem with sharing cancer awareness. But she’s only sharing breast cancer and the fact she’s using it for engagement is GROSS. I’m a survivor and when she told her kids she could have cancer: are you effing kidding me? That was the hardest moment of my damn life! And when my 5 year old found out on her own? HEARTBREAKING. If you’re reading this S, shame! Shame on you! Shame on someone who was once envious of a woman’s body who had cancer. Please just stop. You are damaging! You may think we’re all jealous and crazy. Trust me! I’m not! I love my life, I love that I’m alive for my kids. Please stop!
My younger sister is getting a mastectomy and implant in two weeks for ductal carcinoma stage 0. I call that a cancer scare!!! Depending on BRCA genetic testing results she may have to do both sides. I think after Birdbrain made a mockery of getting her exam I could not even hate follow her anymore. She was recording and basically goofing around the whole time. While there was a 1 in 8 chance someone in another room was getting the worst news of their life. I am due for my 6 month MRI as I am considered high risk and have to alternate MRI and ultrasounds every 6m due to family history and I am terrified every single time! I feel like a ticking time bomb. She made a joke of the whole process for engagement. I do not understand how this woman still has a “job”.
I feel you girl! She is so toxic and needs to be banished from Instagram. Sending love and hugs xo
Her story about Lemon having the “zoomies” should’ve been a moment that a light went off in her head but as always, it’s just so cute and funny and more content for her. That should be an indication that the kid is locked up in the house ALL THE TIME (whether at home or NK’s house) and she deserves to spend some time outside of the house whether at school or in a program to get her energy out.
But S just uses it for content instead, she doesn’t realize how much that poor little girl deserves to be living a life outside of the home and making friends and having fun.
She took her outside to play Elsa. The poor baby looked so uncomfortable. You could tell they were telling her what to do and just do deal with it. She didnt seem to like the snow being thrown at her
Yes, you can almost see it in her face that she was pushing through the act for her mom. I bet it was recorded more than once. Without L Sarah would have had to think of something to post yesterday…it’s her default - boring life, exploit L. I wonder if L gets books before bed or if the just pull out a phone for more tv in bed.
She’s been hosting a lot lately? The lies that come out her mouth 😆 so full of shit.
God I’m so sick of her getting everything provided to her. Will never go to firehouse subs now.
this is a woman with 4 kids (one being only 4 that she spends zero real time with), in her pjs at 5pm and playing the sims. Make it make sense!!! Doesn’t need to cook dinner, interact with her child, do some chores. Nope done for the day and playing a computer game. Of course we all deserve down time but all she does is have down time!!! She has a real life and she’s plopped on the sofa at 5pm creating a fake life.
This whole comfies, looking a little wrecked with no make up on and playing a game is alluding to her being down or struggling with her mental health. She’s like clockwork.
I think she was trying to look good about promoting a small Canadian shop instead of her usual Amazon link during this trade war. The problem is those grifted pj’s she didn’t even pay for are made in Korea. Also she claims this is her friend’s company and doesn’t even follow them on IG.