especially 3.
I bought this a while back in GOG but I’ve never got around to playing it yet, maybe I should finally do that
Xeen (Might and Magic 4 and 5 together) will always have a special place in my heart for being the first “proper” game we had. It’s super fun and thanks to ScummVM runs on basically everything with a computer chip. I replay it every other year or so.
Everyone always praises 3 but I grew up playing 2. I have nothing against HoMM 3 and enjoy it quite a bit, I just prefer HoMM 2 when I wanna get that nostalgia kick.
Still, amazing games.
Using this opportunity to plug
It’s the open source reimplementation of HoMM2. It’s fully playable, although the reimplemented AI plays much, much smarter than the original, which can be an upside or a downside for you.
There is also an android version, it works great on a tablet!
There is Songs of Conquest which I think most HoMM players will appreciate. A modern wink to the series.
For me too, the pixel art style of it I really love. I’ve even tried one because I was perhaps that feels closer to two than three, but it’s just too unpolished and primitive vs two.
Three may very well be the superior game. Same with AOE. For most people the love is for two; which is the better game, but I’ve always reached back to 1.
(Now with the DE editions of those, those are the better games, get 2 with the Rome expansion)
Perhaps a DE version of HoMM will be released as well.
I get the love for 3, but I’ve come to like 5 best. It’s easier on the eye and has way better use interface.
But if we’re talking Might and Magic, don’t forget Dark Messiah!
The third is the absolute best. No discussion! I’ve spend countless hours with friends as a kid, sitting around the computer, playing this game. Still do.