I’m not sure but it’s been working wonders for desktop Linux for the technically inclined.
Weeeeell, as someone who moved from windows to Mint a few weeks back, Steam and proton have had a big hand in that, so I wouldn’t say it’s a good example of “doing nothing”.
Edit: granted, Microsoft constantly shooting their own feet doesn’t help, but Steam broke the cage by providing what was missing.
Not to downplay what Valve and all of the countless Linux contributers are doing and have accomplished, but I wouldn’t be on Linux if Windows hasn’t gone to shit.
I was basically a 30 year long Windows fanboy. It got so bad that it drove me away. And now I’m a Linux fanboy.
“Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake."
—Napoleon Bonaparte
Is it even a competition?
Afaik, lemmy doesn’t compete. It just exists, and makes no effort as an entity to expand.
I’m not even sure if there are individual instances that do anything to seek out users, much less try to take them from other places.
No, if there’s too hard of a push to get users then lemmy earns itself a bigger gun behind the crosshairs that are already aimed it (by platforms like Reddit).
If we have any hope of growing Lemmy into what it can eventually be, we need the growth to be gradual. As painstaking and aggravating as that might be.
I just bought a domain name yesterday with plans to create an instance for my local county. My killer idea is to have a comminity in the instsnce called “the good old days” where older folks can post their stories. I noticed that is a popular thing on facebook. The instance will not be federated as I don’t want anything but content which is relavent to the county. It should be somewhat self regulating given the topic limitations. I probably won’t even mention federation unless someone else wants to make an instance specific to a certain town or something. Just a way to filter out all the noise on facebook where people can see all tge different news outlets and events from accross the county without being filtered by fb et al.
The side fucking up is called “the art of the deal”
Stability, reliability, don’t fix it if it ain’t broke.
Some companies have a need to reinvent them every 6 months to justify some middle Manager’s existence so they can pad their resume for the next overpaid job position.
This Is what it looks like when you don’t have that problem
Accurate. There’s significant overlap between Fediverse managers, developers, and users. Everyone’s goals for the platform are always closely aligned.
This actually just describes the main problem in almost every industry these days. Companies are so large and have so many people running them that at each rung of the ladder, priorities are completely different since it’s impossible for someone in middle management to have any clue what’s going on in manufacturing, or vice versa.
Then all of them get overshadowed equally by the monetary priorities of the CEO.