I am on your side, but:
You do realize that can totally go the other way, right?
The AFD implements a “ministry of crime-prevention” that surveils the public and squashes political discent. Names don’t necessarily reflect what’s actually happening. You should argue with actual policies they did.
Diversity, yes. Get everyone involved.
Equity. Fairness and equality. The entire diverse population should have the same opportunities.
Inclusion. Er. Isn’t this covered by the above two? I’m not against it but isn’t the word redundant?
Hey! I have a story on this to tell, which I will make as anonymous as possible:
Someone I know in an administrative position is in the middle of dealing with an employee who is suddenly refusing to do annual DEI training, claiming that it is against their religious beliefs. They were brought in and given a chance to defend that. Asked what specifically about DEI went against their beliefs. They started spouting a bunch of Fox News crap.
It was pointed out to them that DEI means things like making sure disabled people can get over a raised doorway. The employee said they were fine with that, but went into a whole “gay marriage is sinful” sort of rant. They were told they don’t have to agree with such things, just respect them at work. And they said that was great and one of the things they loved about working there.
Basically, it turned out that they had zero issues with any of the actual DEI policies. They literally objected to those three letters being used.
I’m sorry to say that their answer will be something along the lines of “I ain’t workin’ with no n****s or f**s!”. We should stop trying to assume that fascists hold themselves to the same moral standards as normal people. These are people who only abstain from using racial and homophobic slurs for fear of legal trouble. They no longer have to fear that.
If you hate the PATRIOT act…etc. Look, titles of things have no bearings on what they actually are. This post is just group masturbation.