Now do the US colonies territories!
I wonder what Puerto Rico’s biggest international trading partner is? (Not certain of the other colonies’ situations)
They are forced to ship everything via Amerikkkan made, owned, and operated ships. So even without the sanctions on Venezuela, which i think is the closest mainland country, they are in effect sanctioned as non-voting second-class “citizens” on the imperial periphery.
Apparently Ireland has the most international imports, and the top for exports were the Dutch.
Florida exporting to Brazil is really funny, that’s where the Brazilian chuds go when they leave Brazil
Surplus mormons
Shocked that Iowa’s biggest partner is not China. They send so much pork and have independent diplomatic channels.
Turns out Hogwarts is real but it’s in Utah. When you’re a wizard kid in Britain you gotta go to Utah before coming of age. You win some, you lose some.