Can we split California? Northern Cal just seems like it should be Canadian honestly.
No way man. We need all of California (where food grows anyway)! Mexico has tons of warm climate agricultural land. Canada has none!
Can Colorado belong to both? We play hockey, eat poutine, and make tacos, and speak Spanish.
I just want to be Canadian. Nothing wrong with Mexico but I don’t speak Spanish. But I can speak Canadian! Sorry.
Jay parlay France-says trey be-in. Jaytude in laycole, quart anss. Jem mepell Peggy Hill. Common tally voo?
There ought to be a UN controlled buffer zone, to avoid the creation of monstrosity like Poutine tacos.
Aren’t carne asada fries just mexican poutine anyhow?
You start adding/subtracting ingredients to the fries the further north/south you go until you get poutine or carne asada fries.
I could live with that.
Well good news, the main providers of illegal firearms to Mexico is people from the USA so this solves that problem as well.
It solves the problem of giving them more guns and territory to claim? Cool idea!
SC would go Mexican before we went Canadian, change my mind
Can we tilt it a bit, maybe let Mexico have Oregon and Idaho and let Canada have Georgia and Florida? Canadians need a place to hit the beach in the winter without needing a passport, and some Mexicans would love to move somewhere where it never got hot. Plenty of Canadian retirees already live in Florida part time.
There are already so many snowbirds in Florida that its almost another canadian province.
Welllll we would debate the ‘canadianness’ of people visiting Florida. They’re probably Albertans. :-p
Won’t be many Albertans. Florida is kind of a pain in the ass to get to from Alberta, and you have to go through Pearson and nobody wants to go through Pearson.
Albertans are mostly found in Scottsdale. Probably a little swath of the older ones in Palm Springs.
And every snowbird employs 20 Latinos who are there year round raising families. South Floridas demographics have higher representation from like 10 other Latin American countries before Mexican though, so maybe it should be it’s own sort of city state with the rest going to Mexico.